|Itona Horibe| EXP 107

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A/N: I'm just gonna make him into a white wolf-human hybrid just because of his hair color and his personality XD.

Requested By: KilluaZoldkuck

Genre: Monster!Itona

(Y/N): Your First Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"SEARCH THE WHOLE PERIMETER! CLOSE THE GATES! WE CAN'T LET THEM ESCAPE!" I heard Kotaro bark orders to the guards.

"What are we gonna do now?" Itona asked me,

"U-umm..." I mumbled unable to make out words.

3 days ago

The school bell rang signaling that class was over,

"Be careful on your way home!" Koro-sensei hollered over as we fixed our things.

"(Y/N)-chan, wanna go grab a bite? I heard a new cafe opened up" Nagisa offered along with Karma, Kayano, Rio, Isogai, and Maehara and I agreed.

As we were talking and walking along the street I couldn't help but feel like I'm being watched. I looked over to Karma and he seemed to notice it as well.

'What do you think it is?' I whispered to him,

'Probably just some animal...' he whispered back unsure.

"Hey! What are you two talking back there?" Maehara asked suspiciously making Rio smirk.

"Don't tell me... you two are an item~?" she teased,

"Eh?! No fair! I was just thinking on how to get a date with (Y/N)-chan" Maehara pouted and Karma laughed.

"Not gonna happen, Hiroto. And no, we are not an 'item' " I air-quoted on the "item" part making Rio pout.

"And here I thought I found new toys to tease with..." she mumbled and we sweatdropped.

"Anyways, have you heard on the news?" Isogai asked gaining our attention,

"You mean the 'werewolf' roaming around the streets?" Kayano asked and he nodded.

"They said that it's becoming more frequent, so we better be on our guard" he warned.

"It's probably just some misunderstanding, Isogai" Maehara reassured.

"Yeah, whoever heard of a real-life werewolf" Rio chuckled and we heard rustling from the bushes, "What the" Rio said about to grab her BB gun and we all looked around to see what was making the rustling noise.

"CHECK OVER THERE!" a voice boomed.

"Let's hide!" Karma said grabbing my wrist and dragged me into the alleyway with the others following. 

As we stayed quiet, we saw some men in suits with tranquilizer guns looking around the area.

"It has to be here somewhere..." one of them said and we heard growling and crashes.

"Over there!" one shouted shooting the thing that was making the commotion.

"Wh-" Isogai covered Maehara's mouth,

"Shh" he whispered and he nodded as we watched the scene before us. 

After a few minutes, the gunshots calmed down and we heard a loud thud.

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