A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS EVEN THOUGH IT'S NOT THAT GREAT ^_^" I didn't notice that it was almost at 200 reads..........I'M SORRY!! I should've done like milestones and all but school is killing me.... so I thought this little something is......okay? I don't know XDDDD Thank you for reading this trash of a book :) and I'm sorry for being so lazy...
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He would be the very sweet, caring, shy, and cute boyfriend but even though he seems harmless, he would do anything and everything to protect you and keep you happy and smiling. He would give you little presents to make you happy and say sweet things to you. He would be shy with affections in public (like holding hands, pecks on the cheek, other shemurr) but he would be secretly happy about it. He might not be strong and manly, but he will treat you right :). You might want to look out for Kayano though, she might be a yandere...
Nagisa: U-umm... class, this is (Y/N). S/he's my girl/boyfriend *smiles bashfully to you* s/he'll be helping me with some of the school work
You: *smiles shyly* N-nice to meet you all! *waves*
Students: *whistles*
Nice catch, teach!
S/he's a cutie!
Hey babe, why don't y-
Nagisa: *slams hands* What was that? *dark aura surrounding him*
Students: *gulps* N-nothing...
Karma Akabane
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Teasing. That's all to it. He would tease you in any way he can whether it be innocent or dirty, in public or alone and he LOVES your reactions. He would be very flirty with you and would not be afraid to show everyone that he's yours. But, when YOU'RE the one who's doing the teasing and flirting, he would blush and be very shy about it but be warned, you might get punished for making him embarrassed XD. He would be awkward when you are sad or crying and doesn't know what to do, but he would shower you with affection, attention, and gifts just to make you smile again :).