Chapter 4

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No ones POV

Day of trip!

They all arrived at john Quincy Addams middle school except Maya

Lucas POV
'Hey guys, where's Maya?' I asked with worry. They all shrugged at me. Suddenly I see Maya running towards the coach. 'Hey guys, sorry I'm late!' She says as she gets on the coach, I started laughing a little.

Maya POV
When I get on the coach I see Riley and Farkle sat together and Zay is sat with Smackle, so I approach Lucas and the spare seat next to him. He looks up from his phone at me and smiles, 'is this seat taken, huckleberry?' I say sweetly, 'I was saving it,' he said, 'for who?' I questioned I said as my heart sank, knowing he would say Riley, 'I don't know anymore' he said back to me. ' oh' I said as I started walking to the back of the coach, near Zay and Smackle.

Lucas POV
My heart sank as she walked away from me, ' wait, Maya I was joking, you can sit here,' I said as I grabbed her arm gently and started laughing, ' okay' she said as she started laughing too.

sorry for the short chapters, I think they will be longer as we progress through the story

Bye for now

Girl meets ski lodge (Lucaya) (riarkle) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now