Chapter 10

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Lucas POV
'Wait Maya doesn't know how to skate??' I whisper to Riley
'Nope! So here's your chance!' She whispers back

I approach Maya trying to walk in her skates, awe she's so cute, focus Lucas,
I say to myself

'Argh!!!' Maya yells as she is about to fall but doesn't realise I'm behind her and she falls into my arms

'Thanks huckleberry!!' She says to me

'No problem! , do you want me to teach you how to skate??'

'Yes please, I would like that a lot!'

' First lesson is that we need to be on the ice!' I joke

'Oh yeah good one!' Maya says as she pushes my shoulder gently

I got on the ice and held out my hands to help her on, I could tell she was scared but she got on anyway

'Ok I will skate backwards and you grab my hands and try and skate towards me, okay?'

' ok and thanks again, you don't have to do this you know,' she said

' I know, I want to' I said

Maya POV

5 mins later

' that's it, your doing it!!' I say

'YAY MAYA!!' I hear, I look over and begin to laugh and loose control but Lucas catches me before I fall

'Thanks again Lucas!'

'Wait did you just call me Lucas?'

' I've always known your name,' I smile

'SORRY MAYA!!' I hear Riley yell, Lucas helps me stand back up and takes me to the side, and I start laughing at Riley again

'Hey Ranger Rick look at Riley and Farkle, they're copying us!!' I joke

'Yeah but Riley's better than farkle, so she's helping him' he jokes back

No ones POV
After about 2 hours of laughter and falling over, they head back inside the ski lodge, eat tea and have another movie night, although something's about to change................

Sorry I'm being evil hahah I left you on a cliff hanger

Comment what you think could possibly happen

Is it going to be good or bad??

I already know but guess anyway lol!!


Girl meets ski lodge (Lucaya) (riarkle) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now