Chapter 6

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Riley POV
'Guys wake up we're here!' Dad yelled.
That journey went fast! Woah I'm still on Farkle's shoulder, he's still asleep, awe, 'Farkle? We're here' I whisper and nudge him gently, ' ok thanks Riley' he said back. We got up and Farkle got my bag down from the luggage rack up above, ' thanks Farkle, I would have got that but let's be honest, i would probably have fallen over and our bags would have crushed me!' I say and we both laugh and get off the coach.

Maya POV
'Lucas,' I say 'yeah,' he replies
' how long was I asleep for?' ' nearly the whole journey, wait..... did you just call me Lucas?' He chuckled and questioned, ' huh, I guess I did, it must be sleepy Maya still talking!' I say and laugh as we get up and get off the coach. I look at my phone as we get off the coach and the times says 3:30pm, I wonder what we're gonna do for the rest of the afternoon.

We collect our luggage and head to the ski lodge reception to check in.

Riley POV
I already helped my dad choose the groups for the rooms, as there isn't a lot of us going, me Maya and Smackle and in one room and Zay farkle and Lucas are all in another room, and all the teachers get their own room,

So after dad checked us all in and told us what rooms we were in with our groups we split up and went to go look for our rooms.

Maya POV
Yay I'm in a room with Riley and Smackle, my 2 best girl- friends
This trip is going to be so fun!!

Lucas POV
Yes I'm in a room with farkle and Zay, this should be fun, farkle talking about science and Zay talking about Vanessa, I can't wait.... Haha

How are you all??

A question for you guys:
What ships on girl meets world do you like and why??

I ship Lucaya, if you couldn't already tell and Riarkle, I kinda ship zayadora but not as much as Lucaya, so tell me what you guys think!!

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Girl meets ski lodge (Lucaya) (riarkle) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now