Chapter 12

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Farkle POV. (A/n finally farkles!)

'Morning guys!' I say as we all woke up at around the same time.

'Morning!' They all say back

'Woah we all fell asleep down here?' Topanga says

'I guess so!' Cory said back
'Ok guys, go back to your rooms, get showered and then we'll go for breakfast' Cory said

'Ok!' We all said back

Smackle POV (A/n again, finally!)

We all headed back to our rooms, got dressed and met up with the guys and went down for breakfast like yesterday

'So mr Matthews what's today's activity?' I questioned

'It's a surprise, Isadora, but it has something to do with slopes' mr Matthews answered

So it's either skiing 🎿 or snowboarding 🏂 I thought to myself

We all finish up our breakfast and
Follow mr Matthews to today's activity, which is in fact snowboarding!

'Yay! I called it!' I yelled as we arrived at the snowboarding area.

Lucas POV
'Okay kids go get all your gear on and helmets and lets get today started!' Mr Matthews told us
We set off to get our stuff and met back up with mr Matthews and he was telling us about all the rules for today and throwing lessons in from no where (as usual)

We grab our boards and head to the top of the hill, then come back down on our snowboards

Farkle POV
Riley looks so pretty today, I mean like all the time, but the snowflakes in her hair are making her even cuter!
I think I'm gonna ask Riley to be my official girlfriend today........... or soon
I'm so nervous!

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