Chapter 14

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Comment if you saw this on girl meets money
I actually screamed when I saw it #riarkle yay!!

Maya POV
'Farkle where's Lucas!!' I yell as he gets to the bottom
' I don't know, he was supposed to go after me!' 

Lucas POV

Where am I?
I can't see anything
It's all blacked out
What happened?
Last thing I remember was standing at the top of the hill

Maya POV
'I'm gonna go find him!' I yell
'Lucas!' I scream as I see movement in the snow,
I run over to the moving snow and pull back the snow revealing Lucas

'Lucas, are you ok??!!' I yell
' yeah I'm fine thanks for saving me!'
he chuckled.
'Need a hand up?' I said and I got up of the ground next to him and held out my hand.
' thanks maya' he said as he grabbed my hand and got up

He put his arm around my shoulder and we went back to the rest of the group.

Farkle POV
'Lucas! You ok buddy?!' Me and Zay yelled
'Yeah thanks to Maya!' He replied
'What happened?' I say
'I lost control of the board!' He tells us
' ok well the good thing is that your ok now!' Riley said

'Ok I think that's enough for today!' Mr Matthews said as we started taking off our protective gear and packed up for the day.

We started heading back to the ski lodge for dinner as it was 4:15pm

Cory POV
'Ok guys, go get changed and ready for dinner and we will all meet back up, at this point at 5:00pm, okay?' I said

'Ok sir!' They all said back to me as they all wondered off back to their rooms.

Farkle POV
Ok, us guys are ready I think I'm gonna go see Riley and maybe, possibly ask her to be my girlfriend today!!!
I'm nervous!

Riley POV

Time skip
Us girls are all ready and there is a knock on the door, I thought it was going to be my dad, but it wasn't, as I went to open the door I see Farkle,

'Hey Riley can I talk to you for a second?' He says
'Umm Smackle lets go meet the guys!' Maya said as she grabbed Smackle leaving me and Farkle alone.
'Sure, come in!' I said
' Riley, I've liked you for a long time and the other day just made me realise fully that I can't be without you, will you be my girlfriend?......' he said nervously
'Awe Farkley that was so sweet of you! Of course I will be your girlfriend!' I said back excitedly
He grabbed my hand and we went to go meet the others for dinner.

Girl meets ski lodge (Lucaya) (riarkle) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now