Chapter 5

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Smackle POV    (A/n finally a Smackle POV)

' How far away is the ski lodge from here, Sir? ' I questioned

' About 2:30 hours'  Mr Matthews replied to me.

'Ok thanks Sir' I said as the last couple of people got on the coach and sat down.

Maya POV

'so I have to sit with ranger rick for 2 and a half hours?!' I whispered to myself hoping no one would hear.
' what was that?' Lucas asked me
'Umm, nothing sundance' I teased and laughed quietly. ' ok short stack!' He said and smirked, as I got out my headphones from my bag and put on my phone that mr Matthews bought for me.

This is gonna be a long journey I thought to myself.

Lucas POV
Maya is on her phone, probably listening to her favourite music, like always, I think I'm gonna do the same, suddenly I hear Riley laugh really loud and I think the whole of New York did to be honest, Maya pulled off her headphones and looked around to see what was going on.

Maya POV
'Riley was that you laughing??' I asked her. 'Yep, I'm sorry peaches, Farkle just told me a funny joke' she replied. ' it's ok honey!' I say as I put my headphones back on and listened to my favourite songs.

Riley POV
'It's ok honey!' Maya said. 'Farkle that was hilarious,' I whispered trying to disguise my laugh. Farkle is so cute, wait.....what?? I thought I liked Lucas, oh no!

Maya POV
About an hour later I looked over at Riley and realised her and Farkle fell asleep on each other's shoulders, it was actually really adorable. ' hey moral compass' I whispered to him trying not to wake Riley and Farkle up. ' hey maya, what you looking at?' he chuckled and whispered back ' Riley and Farkle, look how cute they are!' I whispered excitedly.

Lucas POV
I think Riley likes Farkle, well this should make it easier for me to tell Maya I like her a lot!! I'm really looking forward for tomorrow when we have our first full day at the ski lodge.

Maya POV
I feel a bit sleepy, I can feel my eyes close, I just hope I don't fall asleep on Ranger Roy because then it would make it obvious that I like him.......

Lucas POV
Awwwe Maya just fell asleep on me, she's so cute, I'm not moving, I like this, and I like Maya, a lot.

I hope your enjoying my story!!
Thanks for reading
Next chapter they will arrive at the ski lodge
By the way the next update will be in a few days maybe next week

Here's some questions for you guys!
If you love Sabrina carpenter as much as I do,

What's your favourite song on her album EVOLution?

What's your favourite song of hers out of them all?

What's your actual favourite song?
(Doesn't have to be Sabrina)


Girl meets ski lodge (Lucaya) (riarkle) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now