Chapter 31

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Maya POV

 I was going to be starting up work at the Diner and Topanga's Bakery soon. Both were part time jobs so it worked out good. I was really worried about leaving Kinleigh but I knew she'd be in really good hands with my mom's friend Bella. Lucas and I were fortunate enough to have someone we know watching our daughter. It made much easier to cope with having to leave her. Kenzie and I were sitting on the floor playing with Kinleigh when Lucas walked in from work. Kinleigh caught sight of him walking over to the couch and started flailing her arms in excitement as he walked over to the couch. 

"Hi Lukey." Kenzie said to her brother as he came over and sat down on the couch. 

Kinleigh started fussing when she realized Lucas hadn't picked her up.  "Awe, Daddy you didn't pick her up." I said as I picked her up as she fussed. 

"Awe I'm sorry. Give her to Daddy.' he said and so I handed her to him. "And Hi shorstack, did you have fun with Maya and Kinleigh today?" 

"Yes, we had lots of fun." she replied. 

"Good." he replied. "So Maya I wanted to talk to you." 

"About what?" I asked as i looked up to him. 

"I was wondering how you would feel about going to Texas. Dad wants us to come visit. He said he'd pay our way down and everything." he replied. "He wants to see Kinleigh." 

"I don't mind. I think it wold be a nice little vacation." I replied. 

"Kenzie would you want to come with us this time? It will be summer time and we can have lots of fun." 

"Yeah! We have to ask Mommy though." she said excitedly. 

"I'll talk to her. I'm sure she won't mind." he replied. 

"So when exactly are we going to go?" I asked him. 

"In a couple weeks." he answered.

"Okay that works out good then. I start work at the end of June." I replied. "I'm excited for our vacation Huckleberry." 

"I'm excited too. " he replied. 

"Can I ride a horse Lukey?" Kenzie asked. 

"I'm sure we can make that happen." he said to her. 

Kinleigh started fussing and I figured she was probably getting hungry. I took her from Lucas and sat down beside him on the couch so that I could feed her.  She latched onto me right way. She was so cute when she fed off me. It was one of my favorite moments to have with her and I'm going to be sad when she eventually grows out of it.  I wish I could stop time and keep her a baby forever. As I watched my baby feed off me I didn't even realize I had started crying.

"Whats wrong?" Lucas asked when he noticed I was crying. 

I looked up at him and smiled "I was just thinking about how I want her to be a baby forever." 

"I know you do but we'll have another one eventually." he said with a smile. "I think starting work is getting to you a little bit too." 

"It is. Its going to be so hard leaving her but I will get through it." I answered. 

"After you get done feeding her why don't we go for a walk? We could go eat dinner somewhere an take Kenzie to the park." he suggested. 

"Yeah lets do it Maya!" Kenzie said excitedly. 

"We can do that." I replied.  

After Kinleigh got done with her feeding I got her around for our walk while Lucas set up the stroller. The stroller was nice because we could put the carrier on top of it. Lucas made sure everything was save and then I placed Kinleigh in the carrier part of it. She was looking up at me grinning as I strapped her in. 

"Mommy loves you." I said as I leaned down and kissed her cheek. 

"Not as much as Daddy does though." Lucas said and I glared at him causing him to chuckle.

 Once Kinleigh was all buckled in we set off on our walk. We stopped at a place down the street and got a bite to eat then walked back to the apartment and loaded up the car to go to Central Park since it wasn't within walking distance. While Kenzie played Lucas and I sat on the bench and watched her. Kinleigh had fallen asleep on the way there so we left her sleep beside us in her stroller.

"I know you were sad earlier about Kinleigh growing up but just think Maya, once she's older we can do things like this with her as a family." Lucas said with a smile and then kissed me on the cheek. 

"As much as I hate to admit it, I know that you are right. It will be nice to do fun things with her. You know like shopping for school dance dresses." I said knowing full well it would get to him. 

"Lets not get ahead of ourselves." he said and I chuckled. "I don't need to think about dealing with boys yet." 

I decided to keep on trolling it him because it was fun "I can't wait until she gets her first boyfriend." 

"Earlier you were crying because she was growing up and now you are saying you can't wait for her to have a boyfriend. Lets slow down a little bit before Daddy has a heart attack." he said and I started giggling.  

"You know you are going to have to cope with that just like I'll have to cope with her growing up, right?"  

Lucas looked at me and rolled his eyes "Yes, I know but I have plenty of time for that. She's not even out of diapers." he said and I chuckled. 

"I love you so much Lucas. " I said and then leaned kissing him softly. 

"I love you too, Maya so much more than you know." he said with a smile.

We let Kenzie play for a little while longer then took her home. Kinleigh started waking up as we got closer to our place. I felt so bad she was fussing and I couldn't feed her until we got home. Once we got home and inside I took her to our room, changed her diaper and then fed her. I gave her a bath once she was done eating and then took her to the nurser to get her dressed. I put her in a onesie then we walked out to the living room to join Daddy. He took her out of my arms and held her so she was standing up. 

"Hello baby girl." he cooed and she started smiling at him. 

I pulled my phone and took a picture of her smiling face. I think she was used to the camera because whenever I would take a picture she'd smile for me. She started cooing and moving her arms as Lucas talked to her. It was so sweet seeing them interact. 

"She loves her Daddy." I said to Lucas then I looked at Kinleigh. "We're lucky aren't we smol bean." 

Kinleigh looked at me at smiled waving her arms excitedly as Lucas held her "I love you guys too." 

Kinleigh started bouncing and making baby noises as Lucas held her. "Someone is wide awake tonight." I said to him with a chuckle. "I wonder how long she is going to have Mommy up for tonight." 

"It's not her that's going to have you up tonight." Lucas said and I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Tell Daddy he's crazy." I cooed and she started smiling and making baby squeals. "See she agrees with me." 

"Don't listen to Mommy, she's a pain in Daddy's butt." he said and I couldn't help but laugh. 

Lucas and I continued to play with Kinleigh until she eventually started getting tired. Once she was down for the night I joined Lucas in the living room. We cuddled and watched a movie before going bed. Today was a good day. 

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