Chapter 4

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Namjoon and Umji walked to the front of the building.

"Seems...dead" (Umji)

"Yup" (Namjoon examined the structure)

A motorcycle could be heard. Umji and Namjoon saw it appear and stop. Sinb stood up and took off her helmet, shaking her hair.

"Yo" (Sinb lifted her brows as a greeting)

Yuju met up with them. She spun her swords then put them on her sides and they disappeared.

"Let's go in" (Sinb jumped ahead)

"Wait. Jin has to look through the whole building" (Namjoon stopped her)

"Tch. Boring~" (Sinb stuck her tongue out)

Namjoon did the same back, making everyone laugh.

Sowon touched her ear piece.

"We have eyes on the flying one." (Sowon said)

"Got it. We see the rest, front of the building" (Yerin said back)

"You ready to make it spark" (Yoongi asked)

Jimin and Sowon's face lit up like a little kid and squealed.

"Yes! I have been waiting for this" (Jimin smiled)

"Look what I brought" (Sowon took something out of her backpack)

Jimin gasped. He then smiled.

"Late birthday gift" (Sowon)

"Okay....Make it shine!" (Jungkook ordered)

"Have the first one" (Sowon allowed)

Jimin took Sowon's gift and dropped it out of the window.

He started to count then when he reached 1, he pressed the screen on his wrist.


"Ah!" (Umji screamed)

"I can't see!" (Yuju panicked)

Jungkook and Yoongi stepped out and drew their weapons.

"Look out!" (Sinb moved her arm, making a force field and shielded Yuju and Namjoon)

Taehyung saw what was happening and immedietaly flew down to help clear the smoke but Sowon was waiting for him. In the building, she laid on the floor, took her new sniper out.

She assembled it quickly and aimed. Jimin put in a small device.  Sowon breathed steadily, waiting for Taehyung. Once she saw him flying fast, she fired. 

"The device is on" (Jimin reported)

Sowon and Jimin high fived.

When Taehyung went down to clear the smoke, Yuju threw him a weapon and he kicked Yoongi away. WINGS could finally see and they saw two people wearing masks and hooded uniforms.

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