Chapter 1 - The Beginning Of The End

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There are some things a thousand words can't say, some things that a million pencils can't write, and that is what I'm staring at right now. "Lucy?" "Hey Natsu! It's been so long!" She hugs me and I smell this strawberry-vanilla smell coming from her hair. It smells so...

"WAKE UP!!" Yells a voice loud enough to be the director of a camp. "Rise and shine ya pink dufus!" I jolt awake and punch the pizza guy in the face. "WHAT?!! YOU COLD FREAK!!!" I stand in my flannel underwear in the blasting AC. "Hey! Copier!" I pull the fuzzy blanket from my bed and wrap it around myself. "What?! I don't copy anyone!" "Yeah? Well..." "GRAY-SAMA!!" Juvia gives me a look and says to Gray: "C'mon! Lets cuddle!" Then takes his hand and runs out of the room. I shiver at the thought. Disgusting.

Ever since Lisanna's death, the gang kinda just started moving in here. We got a wall removed with bribery and now we've got two of everything. Wendy and Romeo are completing their final exam before coming home this winter, Erza got her own cake shop, Levy helps bring in income by working at the library, Juvia and Gray come here for the weekends, and me, well lets just say I've been stuck in a dream I once had. A promise I made.

A wish I clung to. 

And I've been waiting for her for what seems like a million years. 

But I know that she might not ever come back, so I don't try to hope so much. And I try not to have that dream I have every night about meeting her again. It just kinda makes things worse. 

I walk down the hallway and come to the clearing with the two bar kitchens and the big living room. Gajeel and Jellal are playing...OH FREAKING MINECRAFT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! The music is so annoying when you have to listen to it for 12 hours a day (No offense Minecraft). They are building this weird guild looking thing with our tattoo on it that Lucy came up with. Gosh darn. I can't get her out of my mind. 

"Hey guys! Turn down the noise!" I yell to them like they are 10-year-olds looking at the newest update of the game. "Alrigh-""No! Maybe I wanna listen to the music!" Says Gajeel, getting up and facing me. "Well I DON'T!! It's my house, so turn it OFF!" I yell back at him. He tries punching me in the nose, but I dodge and kick him in the face. "Guys! It's only sound! It's a terrible reason to fight about you two." Says Jellal, trying to reason with us, but I don't take reasons. 

"Eat this you Jalapen-" The door opens and in comes a petite pastel colored lady. She holds a few bags and is struggling to bring them to the kitchen, then looks at the spilled orange juice and the Cheerios in our hair (And no. Breakfast does not sponsor this story....sadly). "Gajeel! Were you fighting...again?" Gajeel is paused in fighting position with his fist ready to pound my cheek in. "Um. Yes."

"WE HAVE WENT OVER THIS GAJEEL!! NO FIGHTING!!" She is now screaming at him with her groceries on the ground. I drop the orange juice carton on the ground and ditch the place. I don't wanna be anywhere where people are fighting for a while. The cold air hits my face with force, slowly turning my tanned skin pale as I run through the dead grass. Clouds build up in the sky. It's cold for November.

Sometimes when I feel like I need to escape, I look off of the dullish brown park bench --and that's exactly where I go. In front of me are a few trees and a meadow with a dull sky over looking the country of Japan. I think about Lucy and how she thrives. I think about how great she was and how she made such a great impact on my life. How I want to see her right now. 

And as if I had predicted the future, a metallic gleam shot out from behind me. I read the locket, looked behind me, and as if it were magic, she's there with that beautiful smile and her glowing brown eyes. "Hey Natsu!" She says.

"Hey Lucy."

A Wish - Sequel to You Are My SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now