Lunches By The Lake

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A week had passed into the new school year, and not much had changed. There was a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, as there was every year, who seemed to have little clue over what to teach the fourth years.

"So, hang on, you didn't have lessons involving boggarts last year?" Professor Howell asked with disbelief, "Then what in the bloody hell were you doing!?"

"Learning about pixies, sir." Someone informed the professor, making him facepalm.

"That's introductory, or second year at most, what is happening here?.." He rubbed the base of his palm at his eye before pulling his hand away to look around the students. "Okay... Let's go over what you actually have learned, bloody hell..."

Several students began shouting things out, trying to be helpful, but it became a mess of words that no one could understand. While the professor tried to organize everyone, looking a bit stressed as he did it, Frank rested his head on his desk.

So far, he and Gerard had not had any walks down from the owlery together. Frank simply had no reason to send a letter out... Maybe he could send one to Alex, who was contributing to the wizarding world's music selection with some friends, but he didn't really know what to say... He had received one letter since coming back to school, but even that left him unsure of what to say...

He and Gerard hadn't really spent much time together at all. It had been classes, eating, studying, and repeat. Frank was drowning himself in what the castle threw at him, not really thinking much about anything.

"Frank? Are you alright?"

Frank lifted his head to look at Tyler, who was seated at the desk just next to him. Tyler's desk mate, Josh, had his head down on the desk as Tyler played with his blue curls.

"Yea, just thinking." Frank nodded as he rested the side of his head in his arms on the desk.

Tyler nodded, looking up towards the front of the classroom. "He's completely lost, isn't he?" Tyler asked with a small, mischievous smile crossing over his lips.

"I don't think it helps that we get a new one each year." Frank shrugged, "I'm pretty sure the curriculum has never really been completely figured out for this course..."

Tyler shrugged as he leaned back in his seat. His arm moved back with him, now letting his fingers trail along the back of Josh's neck. A content sigh rose from from Josh, who didn't lift his head, making Tyler smile. "Gives us some free time until he figures it out, at least." Tyler said with a nod to professor Howell, who seemed to be growing more discouraged by the instant.

"Guess that's an upside." Frank laughed before letting out a soft sigh.

"Frank... Something is bothering you, isn't it?" Tyler asked softly. He tilted his head at Frank, "You just seem uncharacteristically quiet."

Frank plastered on a fake smile. "Just over thinking." He shrugged.

"Would you like to come out to the lake with us at lunch?" Tyler asked, "It helps clear your head."

Frank was going to turn down the offer, but Josh poked his head up to chime in. "Sometimes you can catch a glimpse of the squid too, it's sick."

"You sure?" Frank asked, holding back a laugh.

"Yea." Tyler smiled, "You'll like it. Gets you out of the castle for a bit."

"Sure." Frank agreed while professor Howell groaned loudly from the front of the room, hiding his face in his hands. Maybe getting out of the castle for a short period of time would help him sort out his head. It definitely couldn't hurt to try.

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