[✓] Chapter 8: Plan

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Yo minna!!! New chap here right now! I will tell you the results of the votes for now, but that doesn't mean you can't stop voting!

Rufus: Of course, I would love for you to vote for me... *Uses two fingers, grabs hat and wink at readers* As well as Miss Kuno *kisses Kuno's knuckles*

Me: *blushes from Rufus* U-uhm... Oh look at the time! Let's continue with the S-story!

Edit: Yo minna! I'm trying to edit older chapters in this book to match the current writing style I have! I recommend you to re-read the chapters that I have edited, there may be slight changes within the chapters. -9th May 2018

(Edited on 9th May 2018)


'Now, let us begin the meeting.'


Sting's POV

All of us -the team participating for the Grand Magic Games- are current on our way to Crocus by the spawn of Satan himself. The most horrible creation ever to be made in history, the creature that parents tell their children every night to keep them away from.

Yes, I'm talking about the dreaded Train of Hell.

"Urgh....." I groaned, my body slumping down from my seat as my eyes swirled with dizziness, face turning into a weird shade of green as I felt the horrid thing shake and rattle underneath me.

I still don't get how Rogue was still able to sit upright opposite from me, his eyes closed as he sat motionless. I knew he was sick too, I knew he was trying hard to keep his composure to not embarrass himself. But I still don't get how he's able to keep still like that.

"You look so pathetic." Orga chuckled, staring down at me from his seat as I glared at him but instantly regretting my decision as my stomach did a cartwheel in me, making me groan and lurch back.

"S-shut.... the... h-hell... up..." I tried to say, hands clutching my stomach in attempts to keep my food within my system -let me emphasise on the word 'attempts' for you to understand my situation- till this ride was over and done with.

"I will definitely remember this moment." Rufus smirked, making me groan again, lifting my upper body upwards and out of the window, the bile giving up on me as it spills across the side of the train and the rails.

"If only Lucy were here. I wouldn't have to see you puke your organs out of the train like that." Orga muttered, disgusted by the sight of the greenish-yellow substance that still remained in the corners of my mouth as I turned around to face him.

"You t-think I-ugh... don't w-want... t-t-that?" I moaned, dropping back to the ground as I prayed to The Great Elders to throw me off this spawn of the devil.

Few Hours Later~

It has been a few hours of me continuously puking, groaning and suffering now. I don't even understand how I still have that much food in me to have this much puke and bile.

After what seemed like a miracle, the train had lurched forward, making me sick once more before hearing the oh-so-grateful screeching of wheels against the train tracks. My sickness had been lifted off me as I sprang back to life, dashing out the nearest exit like a madman as I flew above the heads of the people by the doors.

As I jumped out -and over passengers' heads which resulted in a few yells- of the doors, I then landed -face first- onto the cemented floor of the Crocus Train Station, my hands sprawled all over the ground as I cried tears of joy.

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