Chapter 16: Naval Battle

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Hiya peeps!! Sorry if I was late! Since I'm in high school, I'm gonna have TONS of homework and LESS writing time! So yeah, hope you understand and enjoy this chapter I wrote!

"Now! Shall we see who will come victorious?!"

Lucy's POV

Everyone got into the ball of water and found out that we could breathe fine.

"Now... Let Naval Battle..... BEGIN!!!" After that was said, everyone started charging at one another.

Jenny kicked Rocker out, Sherria blowing away Jenny and Risley.

Now all that was left was Juvia, Lisanna and I in the sphere. The both looked from me to each other, nodding then charging straight at me together.

"You gotta do better than charging to me." I chuckled, using air to make a force field around me, preventing them from hitting me.

As they bounce off of the shield, I dispelled it and smirked. They growled and Juvia chanted a spell.

"Juvia hopes Juvia's Gray-sama feels the love from Juvia's spell! Love Cyclone!" Juvia chanted and spiralling love hearts with water dashed towards me.

I dodged to the side as the pressured water weirdly with hearts on them whizzed right next to my face.

As the spell was gone, Juvia was looking over at Gray and saw that he paled, she wailed and unconsciously swam out of the sphere herself.

"Oh my! It has seems that Miss Juvia Lockser is out of the game! Let the five minute timer start!" A horn blew and a Lacrima showed a timer counting down from five minutes.

"Hello, Lisanna Strauss. I never got to meet you 7 years ago." I greeted, silence enveloping around us.

"H-hi. You're Lucy Heartfilia. The one who quit when I came back." She said,  I nodded and she got more scared.

"Don't worry, I don't hate you. I was ignored by your so called guild before you came anyways." I smiled, she just stared at me, pure shock written on her face.

"Now let's continue the battle." After I said that, light engulfed my body.

"What's happening here?!" Chapati yelled.

"God-Soul: Poseidon." I heard gasps and cheers around.

My outfit changed and I was now wearing silver breastplate, silver pieces on my shoulders and forearms, pearls around my head and my hair from blonde to blue at the tips, also turning longer down to my knees.

Oh, I forgot to mention my legs turned to an aqua blue tail which turns to gold at the bottom.

I summoned a golden trident and everyone stared at me.

"G-God Soul?!" Makarov exclaimed, Fairy Tail was staring at me, wide eyed and sweat dripping down their faces.

"Animal Take-Over: Mermaid Soul!" Lisanna then transformed into a mermaid with a pink tail.

Lisanna came swimming towards me at full speed as her tail whipped around behind her. She stopped and tried smacking me with her tail which I let possible and was pushed to the side a little.

"That actually stung a little, I'm impressed." I said, praising her a little bit.

"Stung?! That attack only stung you?!" She exclaimed, shock and a hint of fear on her pale face.

"My turn then." I started.

I grabbed hold of my trident and pointed it at her direction.

"Stormy Seas." The trident lit up and electricity surged around the tips.

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