Chapter 29: Nakagami Armour

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Hey there everyone!! I know it's still kinda a late update, but at least I updated!! I can't believe this book made it this far, I'm so grateful to all of you guys for supporting me!

Man... I haven't put those music themes up there in a while... Well, now I have!!

Please do play the soundtrack above while reading this chapter!! It give more emotional effect!!

Now, let's get on with the story!

"Right, I'll be there in a few. Just have to take care of Scarlet. Thanks, Miri." Lucy said, earning a 'good luck' by the exceed before the connection was cut.

'What's going on here...?'


*Play Music Track above now* *HIGHLY IMPORTANT*

Third Person POV

As the battle was seemingly paused, the scarlet of Fairy Tail glares at the Sabertooth mage, attempting to stand back up despite her injured leg.

"May the sins you've caused be mended by punishment! Oh great clutches of Hell!" Taking this advantage, the blonde then summons numerous longs strands of what seemed like flaming whips, shooting out from a magic circle and grasping at the injured leg of the Scarlet, throwing her to a pillar.

"Er... za..." Whispers of the two fallen Mermaid Heel Mages were heard, swing their friend get tossed like that.

"Your leg is too injured, your attempts to stand are near futile." The blonde says, taking proud strides over to the lying female.

"I... Don't care... T-this is one ba-battle that I cannot a-afford to lose...!" The Titania declared, slowing yet steadily standing with her sword supporting her.

"Picking a fight with Fairy Tail... H-hurting Lisanna, K-Kagura and capturing Millianna... You-you've made a grave mis... take..." She finishes, suddenly getting thrown back by an explosion, her eyes looking at the blonde in front of her that was wearing a clear disinterested look.

"You have no right to accuse me, Erza Scarlet. For what you and your so called Fairy Tail have done much worse to me than what I have done to you. And because of your arrogance, that will be your downfall." The blonde warned, a dark glare in her eyes as she stares down the redhead with utter hatred and disgust.

Re-quipping two twin daggers, Erza dashes towards the Sabertooth mage, slashing at her several times, despite trying to counter attack the sudden advances, some managed to penetrate through and impale her skin.

"Shut up! My rage alongside my power, is also the guild's rage and strength!" A bright golden light then engulfs the redhead, a massive increase of Magic Power suddenly apparent from her as the blonde smirks.

'An open chance to get to Rogue...' She thought, knowing that the Scarlet was unleashing her Second Origin.

"Re-quip: Nakagami Armour!" The bright light dims as Erza stands with her newly achieved armour, shocking the audience as well as her own guild.

With robes of royal blue and golden trimmings, the armouf is largely opened in the chest area, revealing much of the user's chest. The robe tied together at the waist by a simple red ribbon held together by a gold bead, having a multi-layered trim for the robe. Two large blue gloves which have gold trims flaring out in the ends, red ribbon tied on her wrists with a simple gold dotted pattern. Large golden pauldrons over each shoulder with the engraving of a opened mouthed lion. Blue and gold leggings with matching patterns of the gloves wrapping around her legs, over them were a pair of golden greaved, patterns similiar to that of the tiara on her head, the greaves themselves matching the pattern of her robe. The tiara holding two blue rhombous square pieces on each side, a triangular piece in the center, each with a golden adornment inside. Two long strands of hair on each side of her head each tied by a golden bead. A large white sash behind her which loops above her head, the ends hanging out towards the ground with a bead each at the ends.

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