Chapter 28: A Possessed Rogue

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Welcome minna to the Twenty Eighth Chapter of Stars in Shadow and Light!! I'm sorry again for being late to update!! It's just hard to write these days!! With finals coming up for me and all the homework and stress. Seriously, life's just not going my way this year. So yea, at least I updated and now you can enjoy!! Let's start shall we?!


  "Now come and show me what you've got after all these years. Erza Titania Scarlet."  


Third Person POV

As the various battles continue on, two certain Dragon Slayers were about to face off as they clash into each other.

"Did the First Master's strategy fail or what?" Muttering, the Iron Dragon Slayer Gajeel Redfox from the Fairy Tail guild stalks on through his charted path as he enters a hallway of sort, looking at the ground to find a shadow of a figure.

As he looked up, his confused expression is then replaced with a cocky smirk as he saw who was standing in front of him.

"You sure are persistent kid, I give you that but I ain't gon' show any mercy to ya'!" He said, the person in front of him was none other that Rogue Cheney the Shadow Dragon Slayer of the guild Sabertooth.

Not waiting for a reply, the Iron Dragon Slayer then throws his infamous 'Iron Dragon's Club' at his opponent, his arm shifting into a long iron pole as he extends it towards Rogue, hitting him in the gut as he is sent flying back with a grunt of pain.

Surprisingly, the attacked man gets up almost immediately, staring right back at the Fairy Tail member in front of him who was slightly shocked at the former's endurance on pain.

"There's no way you'd be able to surpass me one day. Both of you 'Twin Dragons' couldn't even defeat the damned Salamander! It's impossible to handle me without your buddy with ya'." The Iron Dragon Slayer boasted, arms crossed as he stared right at the Sabertooth mage in front of him, the latter sending a cold glance before opening his mouth.

"You are not as powerful as Natsu Dragneel, so I should not find that much of a difficulty in defeating you." The Shadow Slayer stated emotionless-ly, angering his opponent vastly as a harsh glare was then sent his way, a magic aura emitting from the Fairy Tail mage.

"Iron Dragon's Roar!" As a hurling hurricane of metal and wind was thrown to his direction, he was then hit head on as he slid onto the ground backwards in pain.

Trying to get up from the many cuts he had received from the swirling metal vortext, he falls to his knees exhausted.

"Wanna try sayin' that I'm weaker than the Salamander again, ya' twerp?!" Gajeel exclaimed, an annoyed look adorning his facial features as he bared his canine like teeth out, earning a slight glance upwards from Rogue as a bitter chuckle came out from his mouth.

"I finally understand you had decided to join Fairy Tail, Gajeel." Rogue said, the said man making a confused face as he looked down at the Shadow Dragon Slayer.

"What're you gettin' on at?" He questioned, raising a studded eyebrow at the Sabertooth Mage.

"When I was still young, I had wanted to join your former guild, Phantom Lord. However before I got the chance, that guild disbanded and much to my surprise, you went and joined Fairy Tail who was your enemy during the battle. I guessed you had joined Fairy Tail because of friends, something of which Sabertooth had as well because of Lucy, while you lost it."  He said, shocking the Iron Dragon Slayer slightly as he heard of him wanting to join his previous guild.

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