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This book has come to an end guys.

I just wrote this to say how grateful I am to everyone who has stayed and supported this book for this whole time.

I thank all of you for ever clicking into this book and reading the first chapter and continuing on to support it till the end.

Because of you guys, I've had the chance of meeting all of you wonderful people and also getting the chance to know how to write a successful fanfiction is like.

Thank you all for ever bothering to read this sappy Author's Note in the first place. 

I've taken my time and created these for you~

I've taken my time and created these for you~

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*This is actually the first time I've made these types of graphics

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*This is actually the first time I've made these types of graphics. Like, using pencils to make the backgrounds*

In all honesty, I had my doubts of this book ever reaching to success, or even getting the chance to finish it. 

I've had so much problems during times that I didn't even update for months...

Yet you guys stayed, you guys stayed and helped me in my darkest of hours.

You guys even comforted me in saying that everything was okay. I've received so many comments from you guys telling me to be strong and we're all in this together.

*starts singing Highschool Musical: WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER~*

Anyway, I feel so happy and grateful to have such wonderful readers and fans that love this book and never left. 

I will always remember the times that you've all helped me up and told me to be strong, to tell me to always fight back, and that I'm not alone in this, because I have you guys.

Some Honourable Mentions I will call out are:

And all the other readers here!!!

I thank you guys for staying with me from the very start. You guys have been the ones that have been with me for a long time now. Encouraging me to keep moving forward and be strong.

All of you, are the things that keeps me going, what drives me on to write my books. Because of you guys, I'm always looking forward to the days after I post a new chapter, waiting to see your reactions and comments that make me laugh and fall off my seat each time. 

I swear, you guys are just amazing. All the comments, support and love I've received from the past -almost- 2 years this book was here just makes me wanna go around the world, go to your houses and give you guys hugs. 

This book has made it this far, is because of you guys staying with me throughout this journey. Your comment, votes, and encouragements have made my day every time, sometimes,I even cry. 

I sincerely think all of you are special in this family we've made so far. All of you guys' support has made us reach:

69.7K+ Reads, 2.1K Votes, and 1.34K+ Comments 

This is such a shocker for me to know that so many of you love this book so much. All the votes, comments, reads and follows I've received are just astounding.

But, even though I wish to stay with you guys as long as possible, this book still has to end someday.

I'll say this again and again, thank you for all the times you've been here with me, from the darkest to brightest of times.

I have to go now, but just know that I'll continue to write my stories for you guys. I don't plan on stopping any time soon.

Bye everyone, I hope you've had a great time with me and the whole SISAL cast.

♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶'♡)ノ ♬ ♪

-Kuno HikaYashi
29th April 2018

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