Please, just blow out my 'effin brains right now.
There were big, red letters on the white board saying: 'Surprise Test Today!' That test was my absolute WORST(!!!!) subject ever. The dreaded subject of doom! I swear that it's going to cause the apocalypse!! I call it Hell. Teachers call it.... math. Oh crap, I said it. I will be cursed forever by its satanic powers... Oh, it's the dreaded algebra, if you were wondering.
To make matters worse, I didn't even study. But seriously, these dumb ass teachers shouldn't expect ME to study. I have so many other methods of wasting my life, like listening to Heart, this rock band from Seattle, or playing some online RPG(role playing game, for those non-Internet peoples). Seriously, studying doesn't even work. I studied for like, five hours for this history test last semester, and guess what grade I got myself? A big, fat, ugly, red F! Actually, I scored a 42% (still an F, or maybe an F-). Really bombed that one, didn't I? Heheh.
But my method of time wasting last night was texting my BFF, Cherry Ikings (I absolutely LOVE her last name). What? Like I can talk to her on my phone with my moody religious mother in the next room over. Seriously, I prefer talkin' over textin' any day but if my mom found me talking at three AM, she'd rip off my hands and shove my phone into my eye sockets.
Oh yea, I never told you my name! It's Carrie. Carrie Smith. Yea yea, I hate that Smith part in my name. Such a popular last name. But Carrie, I love that part of my name. You know who Stephen King is(if you don't, you deserve to die)? One of his most popular books is called Carrie. Ahaha! The Carrie in that book is so fucking bad ass. She kills everyone with her telekinetic powers at her prom because they dump piggy blood on her! I even have some weirdo religious mommy. Seriously, check it out, if you haven't.
As for my style, I'm pretty much your non-average girl. I have some rockin' green hair that fell over my plain, black t-shirt. For pants, I just wore a simple pair of dark blue boot cuts. My shoes were.. actually, they were boots. They came up to the bottom of my knees, but you couldn't tell, since my pants covered them up.
Anyhow, good old Cherry was the smartest puppy in this room. She could multiply numbers in the trillions in her head in, like, four seconds. She didn't even have to study (LUCKY).
She sat right at the front of the row. I saw her look back at me (I sat in the back of the room with all of the rebels and idiotic peeps) and give me a thumbs up along with a wink. Her red, curly hair flowed gracefully in the air of the class. And that cute shirt with the strawberries everywhere on it was so a-freakin-dorable! She mouthed the words 'good luck' to me. I replied to her with a muffled laugh and by (playfully) flipping her off. She laughed and turned to the board.
Ms. Brown (another pathetically common last name), our tight-ass math teacher, handed us each a test. Her last name described her well, with that long, brown skirt and the brown long-sleeved blouse. It was also the color of the turds she ate for breakfast every morning. Ok, that wasn't true... I think.
“Good luck on your test, Little Miss Smith,” she said mockingly, putting the test on my desk. What a bitch.
“Yes Ms. Brown,” I respectfully replied back.
Crap, I was totally screwed with this test...
Yea, my new stories out. I got inspired by the book Whip It to right this. Thank you Shauna Cross!!