Charles Jackson part 2

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I still don't know where Jessie is. It's been three days since I last saw her. Are her parents keeping her at home? I wish I knew. Because of the project. No other reasons, just the project. I still have the project due because, well I have to do it with a partner. I walk into history and sit down. Then Jessie busts through the door. I kind of stare at her, because I can't believe she's here, other reason. Her golden eyes were filled with worry. Now I was worried. She sits down in her seat and avoided my eye. I frowned. She never is like this. The teacher tells us to go to our partners. I walk over to her.

"Hey, where have you been lately?" I ask her.

"N...nothing," she hesitated, "let's just work on the project."

So we start working, but Jessie doesn't really talk to me. I really wonder what's wrong.

----------------------------------------------TIME LAPS--------------------------------------

At dinner I'm silent, thinking about Jessie. For school purposes only. 

"What's wrong?" Mom asks.

"Well today Jessie wasn't talking to him, and now he's all depressed." Luke pipes up. 

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" I yell at him. 

"Quiet down, Luke don't tease your brother, Charles don't yell at the table." Mom scolds us. 

"I'm not hungry." I mutter and head to my room.

--------------Another Time Laps, really don't Know why------------------

I walk into history again, ready to be ignored. I don't know why I have these feel....thoughts, why I'm having these thoughts. When I walk in I see something I don't want to see. Jessie is kissing Luke. Jessie is kissing Luke. Why? Not that I care. I just want to know. I sit down numb, not seeing or hearing anything. I don't know why this bothers me so much. Oh wait yeah I do. I have....

I'm gonna be mean and make you wait for the next chapter. What do you think? I know I'm mean. But not as mean as Riordan. Never that mean.

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