Charles Jackson

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Hey I decided to write another part cause I'm bored. I know these stories are bad just tell me what you think. I do not own any of the PJO or the HoO characters I only own the plot, Charles Jackson, Jessie Zhang and any other random characters. In this story Reyna, Hazel and Frank don't really talk to the rest of the seven so their kids are unknown. Leo invented monster flare proof phones.

My name is Charles Jackson. I am the son of Percy and Annabeth Jackson. I know, I know that's so cool and stuff, but not really because I'm the child that didn't get any powers. Not even intelligence. I have my dad's hair and mom's eyes. I am a really bad swimmer and have horrible grades. I don't know why it couldn't have been my twin Luke who is a great swimmer and has great grades. Or my older sister Zoe who is trying out for the Junior Olympics next year in swimming. It is almost the end of 8th grade and I just don't understand why I don't have intelligence like my younger sister, Bianca. I'm more like a child of Apollo, with great archery skills, an awesome singing voice and I'm just fantastic with medical stuff. I feel like my parents are disappointed in me. The only thing I really got from my parents was my fear of spiders and my dad's bad grades. Anyway right now I'm in history class with Mr. Keel. We are learning about Rome right now. About how the Romans took over Greece and changed the Greek gods to Roman. We have to get into partners and teach about a Roman god. I plan to team up Luke, like always, but he already has a partner and that bums me because we do everything together. I now stand awkwardly in the class because I have no one to partner up with. I would partner up with my cousin, but I never got along with them that well. The one person I ever really got along with in my family was Aunt Thalia and that was because of archery. So you could say I am a loner. Back to the present, Only one other person doesn't have a partner which surprises me because it is the most popular girl in school, Jessie Zhang. Jessie has golden colored eyes and curly black hair. She is kind of like the queen bee. Every one wants to be like her or be close to her, except me because what's the point? I don't want to be a stuck up jock like some people I know. Anyway, I walk over to Jessie and ask if she wants to partner up. Jessie looks surprised to see me. Probably because one of her "peasants" is talking to her. Jessie blushes and accepts which confuses me. We start to talk about which Roman god we want to talk about.

"But Jupiter seems really cool," Jessie says.

"But most people would want to do Jupiter," I shoot back.

"True," she agrees, then her eyes light up like she has a great idea, " How about Pluto! No one would want to talk about him because he's so," she pauses like she's looking for the right word, "mysterious."

"You got that right," I mutter, I have seen Hades and he scared me.


"Oh, I just said yeah that would be a great idea," I stammer quickly. She looks at me suspiciously and but smiles. 

"Cool, let's get to work." we started working and I was surprised, wow I am really getting surprised today, by how much she knew about Pluto. I could barely keep up. Too soon the class period is over.

"Let's work on it more tomorrow." i say

Jessie laughs, "We have to work on it more tomorrow,"

I feel my face heat up, "Right, I knew that,"

She laughs again. We head our separate ways. 

-----Time Laps-----------------------------

"Mom! I'm home!" Luke shouts. I would say the same thing but I'm still in shock about Jessie actually wanting to talk to me again. I mean it was only two class periods ago. I walk into my room and plop my backpack on my bed. I sigh, not wanting to do homework but knowing I have to. I walk over to my desk with my back pack in hand, sit down on the chair and pull out my homework. By the time I finish it's dinner time. I head downstairs and sit myself down next to Luke. Bianca sets the table and Mom puts the food out. 

"So, how was your day?" Mom asks everybody, Dad would get back home after dinner. Of course Luke pipes up first.

"Well Charlie was partnering up in history with Jessie Zhang the most popular girl in school!" I feel my face burning.

"Luke I wanted to tell Mom!" this was not true, I wouldn't have told Mom anyway. Instead of smirking, like Mom would have when a girl at school was mentioned, she smiled, a real smile, not a I'm gonna figure out who this girl is smile. At that moment Dad walked in. I jumped out of my chair and ran up to Dad. 

"Please help me!" I begged, " Luke is gonna kill me from embarrassment!" Dad being the Seaweed Brain he is, Mom's words not mine, was completely confused. Mom walked over to Dad and whispered something in his ear. He smiled and grabbed his phone. As he walked out of the room to talk to whoever was on the phone.  Mom pulled me back to the table and sat everybody down because they had gotten up to say hi to Dad. 

"You all know how you have cousin's from other children of godly parents?" Mom asked. We all nodded.

"Well you know how they aren't really your cousin's either?" Again we all nodded. I really wanted to know what she was talking about right know.

"You know how there are Greek and Roman gods?" We all nodded again.

"Well you have Roman cousin's too and Jessie Zhang is the daughter of two Roman demigods we are still kind of close to. They kind of fell off the radar a while ago and now they're back and you've met one of their children." I was relived. So she was the granddaughter of... which Roman gods.

Will it be Reyna and her husband or Frank and Hazel? You will never know. Jk I'll tell you eventually. oh yeah Reyna is married to a Roman demigod. Screw what Riordan said, she found love with another demigod. Please tell me what you think and please tell me, what are tags? I do not know because I am a newb at this whole internet thing. Thxs bye. :)

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