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I had been asleep maybe one, two hours before I felt it. I could feel the change happening again and I was glad I finally was back to my original self. Sitting upright in bed, I turned the lamp on beside the bed and looked into the mirror across the room and what I saw astonished me.
It wasn't me. I wasn't even close to myself.
The hair that used to be blonde was now a bright red and my complection turned back into a tan. Looking down at my clothes, my PJ's were switched for a bright colored hoodie and ripped jeans.

I was supposed to change back to myself an hour ago. This isn't right.
Shooting out of bed, I tip-toed to the twins room. If anyone knew what to do, It would be George.
I knocked on the door twice and waited for a reply that never came.
"George" I whispered, knocking on the door again.
Hearing a grunt from the other side, I stood quiet till Fred answered the door. Hiding my apperence with the hood over my head, I stayed looking down at my feet.
"I need to, to George" I mumbled.
"What for" Fred questioned, crossing his arm in front of his chest.
Becoming irritated, I shoved passed Fred and into the room. Making a bee line for George's bed, I sat on the edge and tried to be as polite as possiable.
"Georgie...." I whispered, down at his peacful face.
I really do hate to wake him.
"Georgie, it's Blake...." I continue.
Reaching forward, I brushed a stray piece of hair that was sticking up back into place. His eyes flickered open.
Pulling my hand away from his hair, I placed it in my lap with the other.
"What's wrong? Are you alright?" George asked, shooting up in bed and wrapping his arms around me protectively.
"George im fine" I chuckled, pulling away from him.
"Then what's wrong" He asked, still concerned.
"I uh....need your help with something" I said, looking down at my hands.
"Anything" He answered, trying to look at my downward face.
Reaching upward, I grabbed the hood of the sweatshirt between my fingers and pulled it down.
"I changed again and I don't know why" I stated, a hint of fear in my tone. "Can you fix it?"
Before George could answer, Fred burst into laughter.
"You're................Yo-u'r-e a W-e-asl-ey" He chortled inbetween laughes. "Welcome to the family"
I gave him a look that could have killed.
Flipping his covers off, George went to his trunk and searched through it's contents.
"How strong was it?" He questioned.
"It was just something Hermione mixed up in the bathroom last year" I answered.
"LAST YEAR!" He exclaimed, spinning around to look at me.
"Yeah, last year. Why?"
"Potions like that only get stronger as they get older. We'd be lucky if you weren't changing like this the rest of your life" He stated.
I choked back a tear.
"Not the right thing to say George" I stammered, trying not to sound emotional.
"Think of it this way" Fred started, sitting down on the bed next to me "People wish they were a diffrent person all the time. You're still hot, although I miss Penny..............This one's good too, I guess"
My mouth dropped to the floor.
"Excuse me, but I dont want to be a different person everyday! I want to be me! Brown Haired, Green eyed, Tan skined, Skinny as a bean pole Blakely. And I thought I was perfectly fine looking the way I was" I defended.
Coming over toward us, George shooed his brother off the bed and took his spot.
"You're beautiful. No matter what you look like. People like you, for what's in here" He tapped his finger to my heart.
"Plus, you've got a hell of a mind" He tapped my head as well.
I sighed knowing he was right, "I guess"
"What was that? I can't hear you" George teased.
"I said, I guess!" I said louder.
"You guess? YOU GUESS!" George started to tickle my sides and I rolled around with him on the bed.
"Y-o0-u-re R-ubbb-i-ss-h" I stammered out in between giggles.
"Who's the best guy around?" George asked, waiting for an obvious answer.
"Fred" I stated, smiling big up at him.
"Wrong answer" He snickered, tickling me more.
"Fine! GEORGE WEASLEY! IT'S GEORGE WEASLEY" I finally breathed.
"That's my girl" he chortled.
"Im not your girl George, that's Angelina" I teased but now, he wasn't in the mood.
"I wouldn't want you to be anyway" He retorted, obviously hurt.
Moving away from me slightly, I knew when I wasn't welcome somewhere.
"I'll just be going then" I whispered, getting up from the bed.
Before leaving, I bent down slightly and placed a soft lingering kiss on George's cheek.
"Night Georgie" I murmered.
Walking toward the door, I let one tear slide down my face as I passed Fred and back into my room.
Closing the door behind me, I let the rest of the water release from my eyes as I crumbled onto the ground.
Why did George always have to be so cruel to me?
He knew exactly what to say to hurt me and then some.
I wonder if he could make it anymore noticable how much he despises me.
I layed on the cold wood for awhile, thinking about my life. Soon, I just gave up thinking and let my eyes close to darkness.


Waking up this morning, my arms ached and my body was stiff. I pulled my face off the slick wood where a small amount of drool collected and rubbed my sleepy eyes. Pushing myself up to my feet, the sound of heels hitting wood were prominiant through the small room. Looking down, the comfy sneakers I was wearing last night were now knee high cowboy boots. The hoddie and jeans were now just a reminder of the red hair I sported last night. I was now wearing a small lacey dress that my blonde hair ran down. Going to the mirror, I had freckles spotting my nose and cheeks and a small blush.

I am really starting to get sick and tired of this changing every other hour thing.
Swinging the door open, I rushed past the hallway of rooms and down the stairs. My boots were clanking the whole way down the steps and the noise made me want to chuck them across the house. Sliding into the kitchen, I spotted Harry and Ron sitting at the table.
"Who the bloody hell are you?" Ron asked shocked.
"It's me Ronald" I snarled.
Going over to the table, I took a seat next to Harry.
"What's the new look your going for Blakely?" Harry chuckled, shaking his head.
"Not me" I laughed along with him. "The potion was faulty. I might never get back to normal"
"That's bloody aweful" Ron stated.
"Your telling me"
Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley came down the steps and stopped dead in their tracks as soon as they noticed me.
"It's me" I stated, giving them a small wave.
"Oh Blakely darling, what happened?" Mrs. Weasley asked, kissing me on the forehead.
"The potion I took, it won't wear off" I explained, ashamed.
"We'll figure something out sweetie. Lets get some breakfast in you"
Mrs. Weasley went over to the stove and started to make some pancakes, while Mr. Weasley questioned Harry and I about our muggle adventures.
"Bullocks! You look, like, ummm......What do they call western folk in America?" Fred asked, examining my new look.
"Im a bumkin" I chuckled.
"Blakely my little bumkin. I fancy it" Fred stated, kissing me on the cheek.
I shooed him away, not wanting to cause a fight between him and George. Looking toward the stairs however, there was no George.
"Where's your brother?" I questioned, trying to act like it didn't matter.
"Up stairs, sleeping. He never went to bed after you left last night, kept searching through his books. Didn't even know we had books, let alone that he could read." Fred explained through a mouth full of pancakes.
"Well, will one of you go get him! He can't very well sleep all day" Mrs. Weasley instructed.
"I'll go" I stated, beating Fred to the punch.
Standing, I made my way up the steps and to the twins room. Creaking the door open slowly, I heard snoring.
Stepping inside, I saw George at the small desk across the room drolling over a few open books. There was about 4 books on the desk and 2 more on his lap, all open.
Bending down slightly, I whispered in his ear.
"Georgie, it's time to get up"
He groaned slightly and brought his arm out to push me away.
"George" I warned.
"Leave me alone Ginny" He mummbled.
Ginny? Really? We sounded nothing alike.
"George, it's Blakely" I stated, right next to his head.
Shooting upward, George's head collided with mine.
"Blakely? What about her" He asked, eyes closed, rubbing his forehead.
"Owe! Nothing about me" I stated, clutching my forehead as well.
Finally, getting a good look at me. George shot up on of the chair and grabbed ahold of me.
"I figured it out!" He exclaimed.
"What? How to read?" I chuckled.
"Ha, ha, go ahead take the mickey out of me but I found the cure" He stated, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"You're telling me, you were up all night figuring his out?" I questioned.
"I even made the potion"
"GEORGE! Thank you!" I was so surprised by George's gesture that my mouth was hanging wide open.
"You're welcome love" He smiled, closing my mouth. "All I need to do is add a strand of your hair"
Going over to his drawer, he pulled out my favorite sweater of his I wore all the time. Examining the collar area, he found a stray lock of brown hair.
"That thing probably smells god aweful, I can't believe you haven't washed it yet" I gave him a screwed up face.
"It smells like you, I like it" He chuckled, sliding the hair into the potion bottle and shaking it up.
He held the liquid out to me and I grasped it firmly in my hand.
Taking a wiff, it smelled horriable but there was no turning back now.
I tipped the bottle back and let the fluid run down my throat. It tasted vial and when the whole potion was down, I coughed and hacked until the taste had subsided.
After a few seconds, I felt sick. The room was spinning and everything around me started to get brighter. Then as fast as it came on, it vanished.
"Well?" I asked George, squinting my eyes shut.
"Beautiful" George stated.
"Guess it didn't work then" I chuckled.
Opening my eyes, I was face to face with George who was smiling big at me.
"I can't believe you stayed up all night George Weasley" I smiled back.
"Anything for you" He whispered, leaning in.
I started to lean in to, hopeing we both wanted the same thing.
"OI! You two better get down here before Ron eats all the breakfast" Mrs. Weasley called up to us.
Ruining the moment, George backed away slowly and cleared his throat.
"Like I was saying, You're welcome" He grunted, walking out the door.

Things Happen (A George Weasley Story/ Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now