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It was still dark but I could see a flame.
A small, red flicker that only ment one thing to me.
I was alive, I had to be. I could feel, touch, see, move.
I layed my hands flat, palm down and could feel the hard wood of the table underneith me. I could actually feel the wood!
I ached but it was a good ache. It ment I was alive.
Slowly I sat myself upward into a sitting possition.
I could actually sit again! Sit and feel!
Looking at my surroundings I noticed I was still in the kitchen and also, I felt.....sick.
Oh No.
Scrambling off the table, I hurtled myself toward the trash can and spat up a mixture of blood and stomach acid.
Well, it could be worse.
And thats when it hit me, the spinning.
I slipped to the floor like a useless old rag doll next to the counter, trying to hold on to whatever strength I had left.
But it was no use, I hung my head back against the cabinet and slumped backward.
"Hellloo" I whispered out through the empty kitchen. "Is there"
Well what did I expect, a parade of people waiting for me to awaken from my death.
I let myself dooze in and out of a sleepy haze before I heard footsteps rushing toward me.
"Blakely, stay with me sweetheart"
"Dad" I whispered, stummbling to stand as he helped lift me up.
"No dear, it's Arthur Weasley" Mr. Weasley stated, half carring me to the sitting room.
"I know who you are" I mumbled, "Why else would I call you dad"
He chuckled as he layed be down on a nearby sofa.
"Silly me. How could I forget" He smiled, laying a blanket ontop of me. "Rest for now Blakely, We'll check on you in the morning"
"What if Im dead in the morning" I muttered, scared to go back into the darkness.
"Dont you dare talk like that. We would never let that happen"
And I trusted him.
I must have because before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

The light was blinding as it poured in through my closed lids and everything came flooding into my mind at once.
The battle, The Prophecy, Harry, Luna, Death Eaters, Sirius, Tonks, my death, my reserection.
I sat straight up and looked around the room, pushing my hair out of my eyes, I was able to identify my whereabouts.
I was in Sirius's living room and I wasn't alone.
Looking to my left, I saw a red eyed Harry hanging his head next to the sofa.
"H-a-rr-y" my voice was scratchy but it still got the job done.
Harry shot his head all the way up and looked at me.
"Blakely thank god" He stated, rushing over to me and pulling me into his arms.
"They killed him" He stated, voice raised "They killed him and they almost killed you"
"I know" I whimpered, mourning the death of my father while also trying to thank god for sparing me.
"Where is everyone? Have they gone?" I questioned.
"No, everyone is here. Still up in bed. They'll be excitied to see you up and around" Harry was chipper but I just looked down at my hands.
"Everyone" He answered "Why? What's wrong"
"Nothing, it's just silly now that I think of everything that has happened but I, ummm.... Haven't spoken to George since he left Hogwarts. No letters, No nothing. Just really not happy about seeing him" I explained and it was easier than I thought.
"George said the same thing to me. Said you haven't been answering to his letters. Turns out Umbridge banned owls a week before George left. None in or Out. He has been up non stop watching over you. I just sent him to bed a few hours ago."
My heart lifted. Of coarse George would never do something like that to me, I should have known better.
"Come here you" I smiled, opening my arms up wide.
Harry returned the favor and hugged me back.
"Blakely thank god" I heard someone exclaim from the doorway.
Pulling away from  Harry, Fred was grinning ear to ear.
"You have 2 seconds to get over here" I smiled, holding my arms open for him as well.
He ran over and wrapped his arms around me, hoisting me up with him.
"You scared us half to death" He whispered in my ear.
"Was it the fact that I was dead? Sorry about that. I'll try not to do it again" I chuckled, landing on my feet.
I was a little dizzy and wobbled this way and that. I looked down at my hands trying to find a center of balance and I noticed, I was just skin and bone.
"Oh god, I look dreadful" I whispered.
"All that matters is that you are alive" Harry stated, giving me another cheerful glance.
"I need to uhhh, change and get cleaned up" I muttered, noticing the long sleeve purple V-neck I was wearing had small splats of blood on it to go along with the ones on my white shorts.
I shuffled away from the boys and started to make my way up the stairs, slowly. Once I hit the landing at the top, I creaked open the door to the room I stayed in last time I arrived here.
Memories came flooding back to me.
My father was dead and I finally accepted him into my heart.
Maybe just a little too late.
My bags were sitting open on the bed, ready for me to rifle through.
Grabbing a long sleeve blue V-neck and a pair white form fitting sweatpants, I turned around to head back out into the hallway. Before I could reach the door however, my reflection caught my attention. I looked dead, with my sunken in face and greyish skingtone, I even scared myself. My hair was unruley with curls, in a half up, half down doo and my eyes were dull and brown. 
Hopefully a nice hot shower will do the trick.
Back in the hallway, I grabbed the bathroom door handle and turned. It was locked. 
Banging on the door, I could hear the shower running and a grunt come from the other side.
"Oi, Ron if you're in there hurry it up will ya. That goes double if it's Ginny" I yelled, although my voice was still very horse I knew they heard me.
I waited, two more minutes before pestering them again.
"You really make a hobby about it don't you?" I screamed.
The water shutoff and I heard rustling from the other side. A crash rangout and I heard a groan escaped. 
"Serves you right" I stated, slamming my fist on the door.
The door flung open and before I could even get a good look at who it was, I was wrapped into a soaking wet embrace.
Being picked up off my feet, I was clung to by a very tall, ginger headed boy.
A very clumsy ginger headed boy.
George slipped on the wet puddle under his feet and went crashing down on his back, while I landed onto of him.
Our clothes were soaked but that still didn't ruin the magical moment we shared when we looked into each others eyes for the first time.
"Long time no see" 

Things Happen (A George Weasley Story/ Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now