The Battle

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*A month Later*

Ever since Fred and George left, things have been falling apart.

Not only was school just getting worse but so has Harry.

Two weeks ago, Harry had a dream that Mr. Weasley was attacked. And lets face it, Harry doesn't just have dreams. Mr. Weasley was infact, attacked and sent to the hospital just has Harry saw.

I owled George and Fred, neither one answered me back. I understand that their father was just hurt but they haven't sent any owls since they left.

and George promised to owl.

Now here I am, pathetic. All I do now is worry and stress over unsaid events.

Just a month ago, I was happy, joking, pranking, loving, smiling. I was Blakely Rae Carter.

Now im just a shell of a girl that some what looks like Blakely Carter.

Out of nerves, I can't find the appetite to eat. My stomach is always in constant flipflop wandering when the next tradegity is going to strike. Although I was tiny before, Im just skin and bone now. My skin, dull and pale from sickness.

Sick with worry.

I haven't smiled or laughed. Hell, I hardly even speak.

Why bother? No one was there to answer my questions anyway.

Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny were either busy keeping secret or gone.

Mostly gone.

I have been laying in our empty dorm room now for 4 straight hours, not even able to sleep. I rubbed the purple bags under my sunken eyes, I looked exactly how I felt.


Going over to the mirror, I brushed the dull, limp stands of hair away from my face so I could get a better look at myself. 

Pulling down the sleeves of my shirt, it hung off my boney shoulders like it was a size too big. My yoga pants although still form fitting, showed how stick thin my legs really were.  

I shrugged my shoulders at the stranger in the mirror, it's as good as it's going to get.

Skipping breakfast like most days, I headed to Umbridges room for my first class of the day.


Slipping into my seat next to Harry, I noticed he didn't look so good.

"Hey, What's wrong?" I whispered, laying a hand on his back.

"Just didn't get any sleep" He stated, keeping his eyes down on the table. 

He layed his head down and the remander of the class he slept until he shot up in his chair half an hour later.

"We need to go" He demanded, grabbing ahold of my wrist and standing up.

"Why? What's going on?" He had the look of fear in his eyes there was no mistaking it.

"Later" Glancing toward Hermione and Ron, we all snuck out the back of Umbridges class.

"Where are we going Harry?" Ron asked, just as clueless as I.

"We need to get a message to The Order, I had a vision of Sirius being tortured by You-Know-Who" Harry explaimed quicking his pace toward the tower.

"So we need to get to Umbridges room. It's the only office with Floo Network" I whispered, realizing the risk we were taking.

All three of us ran up the steps after Harry as we tried to be as sneaky as possiable. Throwing the door open, we huried about the room.

Things Happen (A George Weasley Story/ Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now