Typical Me

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I woke up the next morning safely in my bed. Sadley though, not scratch free.
My hand was still bandaged up from the night before and I had no idea how I was going to hide this one.
Getting out of bed, I padded toward the dresser in search of a long sleeve shirt. Finally finding my favorite off the shoulder purple long sleeve (Picture), I grabbed a pair of purple athletic shorts and headed into the bathroom.
Showering the best as I could with one hand, I quickly got out and did my makeup and hair (Picture). Getting dressed, I took one more look in the mirror before slipping on a pair of white sandles.
Pulling my sleeve down one last time, I walked down into the common room to be greeted by Harry.
"You didn't tell anybody did you?"
"Good morning to you too" I chuckled. "and no, I didn't"
"Good, Dumbledore has enough on his mind"
"Dumbledore, right, the headmaster no one has seen or heard from" I stated, somewhat annoyed by Dumbledore's disapearing act.
"That's the one" Harry said blandly holding the portriate door open for me.
As Harry and I walked down to the Great Hall I couldn't help but think about George. What if he asks how my detention went? I can't very well lie to him. Not George.

Pushing the large door with my good hand, I slipped inside and held onto my sleeve with my left hand the best I could as we walked to our seats.
I took the seat between George and Fred, making sure Fred was on my left.
"Morning" I sang happily while reaching over the table to grab the last apple.
Fred was the first to react.
"Well goodmorning Gorgeous. God, where have you been all my life?" He purred, grabbing the back of my neck and putting our faces Centimeters apart.
Already feeling the burning gaze of George behind us, I almost let out a snort of amusement. Almost.
"Goodmorning Fredrick and obviously I didn't hide well enough if you found me" I chuckled, patting him on the cheek.
About to take a bite out of my apple, I felt anothing hand snake behind my neck, I carefully turned my gaze to them. George slowly pushing a piece of stray hair away from my face, tucking it safely in a pin. "Beautiful" He mummbled, coughing a bit at the end before turning back around.
George's sweet gesture set well in  my heart. I felt warm and happy. Like it was ment to be.
"Don't you dare think you are getting away that easy WeasleB. A compliment? What's the occasion?" I grilled, giving him a teasing smile.
"What? You're pretty" He shyly whispered my way.
"Oh my god................You're dieing. Were you visited by some ghosts last night? I dont know, maybe, The ghost of Christmas Past, present, future? Ring a bell, trying to right your wrongs?" I snickered.
"Actually I was and I think youd be happy to know that even 50 years down the road you'll still be putting up with our pranks" George chortled, high fiving Fred behind my back.
"And I think you're off your trolly. Both of yous" 
"Once you let us in" George started.
"You can never take us out" Fred finished.

The clock chimmed, signaling the start of classes for the day and I already wanted them all over with. Standing up and swinging my leg around the bench, I stood up only to have a Weasley blocking my way. 
"Magic Word?" 
"Well, I know alot, pick one" I answered, giving George a big smile.
Tossing my apple, I caught it in my hand and gave him a smug grim before taking a bite.
But instead of getting a smirk back, I was met with a sober face.
"Blakely, whats wrong with your hand?" George asked, pointing at the bandaged hand holding the apple. 
How stupid could I get? I let my guard down for one second and I blow it. Typical me. 
The bell chimmed three more times, thankfully giving me a way out. 
"Oh it's just a couple scratches. No big deal. I have to get to class" I smiled giving him an asuring look. 
"Blakely wai........" I heard George calling for me but I was already running out of the doors.

And that is how the rest of my day progressed, dodging, tricking, hidding, and ignoring George Weasley.  
Potions class would be the hardest seeing how, I had it with the twins. I took the seat beside Ron and furthest down the row from George.
Looking back my direction a few times, I decided to act like he wasn't even there.
"We will be working today on a potion, here are your ingredients, mix them accordingly and tell me what potion you think it is most like." Snape instructed.
Taking the instruction sheet in my hands, I began spouting off the directions to Ron.
"Cut leaf 3 times and sprinkle it into the cauldron" I stated, pointing at the bright green substance. 
"Now take the blackrooted vine and dipp it in......Wait, we never got the vine" I muttered.
Rushing over to the ingredients table, there was no sign of one. Passing by Ron once more, he grabbed onto my hand and twirled  me around. Pain radiated up my arm where his fingers grasped the back of my hand.
"AH! Ron Let go! LET GO." I whinned.
He quickly released my hand and gave me a worried expression. Checking the bandage, I could already see the cuts were reopened and the blood was seeping through.
"I have to go" I whispered, more to myself then Ron.
I couldn't do blood. I hated the sight, the smell, it's like I could even almost taste it in my mouth. Blood was my weakness, the one thing that could send me into a panic.
"I just...." I stated, starting to walk out of the room.
"Are you Ok Blakely? Do you need me to come with you?" Ron yelled after me. 
Saying my name only made things worse, as soon as Fred and George heard it, they turned around.
Catching the eyes of Fred, I lifted my hand up slightly and gave him a pittyful look.
"Im good" I croaked out, my voice giving me away.
Clearing my throat, I turned and walked out.

Where was I supposed to go now?
I couldn't very well go to the hospital wing, how would I ever explain this?
And if I went to anyone else for help, they'd turn it in as well.
As always, I guess im on my own.
Blakely Rae Carter, a women and her thoughts. Such Rubbish.  
I don't know how long I was walking or even to where until I felt someone grabb ahold of my wrist. Jerking me backwards, I knew who it was before I even looked up. Old faithful. George Weasley. Of coarse it was him, it was always him.
He looked with no surprise, mad. 
"What the hell is going on, you are going to start talking to me right now Carter. Enough avoiding me." George demanded.
"The last time you called me Carter was when I fell off your broom stick and broke my arm and the broom" I stated, a small smile played at my lips remembering the fine summer day. "You only use Carter when you are mad at me"
"Don't try and change the subject and bring up the broom incident. I didn't even care about that bloody broom" 
"Ah but you are were mad that I broke it" I smiled, turning away from him and leaning against the wall.
"I was mad for other reasons" He said, placing both hands on the wall; on opposite sides of my head. "I told you not to try and barrel roll on the thing and you never bloody listen."
"Never have, never will" I stated, biting down on my bottom lip. 
Before I could even protest, George quickly slipped the bandage off my hand without any struggle. Latching onto my wrist, he held it firm so I couldnt twist it free.
"George.....Let me go" I demanded, wiggly my wrist back and forth.
"Stop fighting me Blake" He hissed.
"Just let me go!" I stated, trying with all my might to bring my hand down.
"Fine" Letting my hand go, I couldn't stop the pull of it slamming into the wall.
"Owmygodic" I whinned, grabbing ahold of it. "HolyHufflepuff"
"Whatcha do that for!" I screamed at George.
"You told me to!" George said in defense,  grabbing my hand back in his.
I let him this time, there was no point of hiding it anymore.
"Umbridge" George Snarled.
"It actually doesn't even hurt, it's no big deal......" I was rambling.
George heaved a heavy sigh and grabbed the back of my  neck with his free hand. Putting or foreheads together, I could feel his hot breath on my face.
"Why didn't you tell me" He whispered.
"Scared. Of how upset you'd get, I knew you would storm off and do something we'd both regret. Plus, Dumbledore doesn't need this right now. It's just a few scrathes. I just need to be careful, I won't get in trouble anymore" I defended.
"Promise? Promise me you will be more careful because that's the only way id ever let you just walk away from his kind of abuse. I need your word" George stated, his eyes closed still touching foreheads.
"I Promise. You have my word" 
"Good, it's the only thing  that matters at this point" He chuckled, backing away from me.
Leaning against the wall opposite me, he looked down at his shoes.
"You know, I think Fred Fancies you" He mummbled.
"What?!" I let out a "Psh" and a snorted laugh.
"I see the way he looks at you. The way you two talk. The way he acts when you are around each other. I dont blame him, I mean, you're brilliant" He still wasn't looking in my direction or talking above a whisper. "What am I saying? you're better then brilliant. You're everything. If that makes sense." George started pacing the hall, rambling on and on. "Like, the perfect summer day. The sun is shinning but you don't get burnt. Everything that is good and none of the bad. God, no wonder Fred is so enchanted by you. Who could blame him?"
George whipped the side of his face with the back of his hand and that is the first time I noticed, he was crying. I didn't know what to say, everything was so sweet, so right. So.......Unexpected. A million thoughts ran through my mind.
Glancing up at me, George just coughed to clear his throat.
"I just have to go, enough embaressing myself for one day" He stated, already taking long strides away from me.
"George! Don't walk away from me" I called after him but all he did was shake his head and continue on his way.

I'll show him exactly how I feel about Fred Weasley.

Things Happen (A George Weasley Story/ Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now