Come With Me

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I was sitting in the Great Hall, except it wasn't the Great Hall I have come to know and love. It was quiet, although it was full of students, no one spoke.
Instead of long wooden tables that displayed their grand assortment of goodies, they were replaced with small wooden desks.
Lined up all in a row, student upon student, scratched their quills quickly over parchment.
Mixed in with the noise of writing was the click, click, clicking of heels and knowing who that person was only made the sound more annoying.
Umbridge passed over each student, letting out a sad sigh or small chuckle as she read some of our answers silently to herself.
The O.W.L.S were worse then any curse I could think up and I was only half way done. And as George had promised me, him and Fred were long gone. Leaving me here to go the torture alone.
I was just turning the parchment over on my Potions essay when I heard the sizzle of something right outside the Great Hall enterance. It was faint, sure, but I still heard it.
Turning to look over my shoulder, Umbridge was already walking down the aisle toward the open doors. She looked left, right, up,and down and still saw nothing.
A small pink firework buzzed until it fizzled out right in front of her face.
Before she could even reach to push the heavy double doors closed, millions of tiny fireworks began to rain down on us.
And I knew the only two people who would ever be able to pull such a brilliant attraction off.
Zooming up by the ceiling, I saw Fred and George throwing fireworks this way and that as they sailed on their brooms.
Everyone stood up and cheered with excitiment as they flashed in and out, racing all around us.
I cracked a huge smile as I watched George aim a bright pink one in Malfoy's direction. Sadly though, he dodged it.
"Ready Georgie?" Fred asked, raising his wand.
"Almost" George answered, pulling a small red firework out of his pocket.
I looked up at them curiously, for as long as I can remember they were always in sync. For one of them to not "Be ready" was just odd.
George ducked his broom down and headed straight for me.
"Oi! Weasley! Shouldn't someone be chasing you out of town by now?" I teased.
"Come with me" He stated. Although he was sweating and out of breathe, I know I still heard him correctly.
"Are you mental? My mother would kill me if I didn't pass 5th year"
"I can't imagine you here when im out there. I don't want to leave knowing you won't be safe. Come with me, be our first employee" He smiled, grabbing the back of my head and pulling me toward him.
"I wish I could and you know I would if I could. But I can't" I sighed, having to make one of the hardest choices.
"I understand, just thought id ask" He smiled big at me, "I have something to properly ask you"
Throwing the fire work up into the air, I watched as the red wrapping exploded and left two words imprinted in the air.
"Be Mine"
"Make me the happiest wizard in the world and be with me, for as long as you'd like. Until you get sick of me and Please, don't ever get sick of me" He was nervous and shaky but I really don't understand why, everyone at Hogwarts could see im mad for him.
"George Weasley" I stated, lacing our fingers together "Whether you knew it or not, ive always been yours"
Smiling wide at me, he dipped his head low and ran his lips over mine softly.
"George Weasley? Nervous? Because of a girl? Thought id never see the day" I murmered, smiling against his lips.
"The only girl that matters" He whispered, kissing me on the cheek. "I'll Owl you"
Giving me one last loving glance, George flew up next to his brother and raised his wand. Pointing it down towards umbridge, a huge dragon firework trailed after her running form.
Watching as they sailed out of the Great Hall, I was happy to know that at least one good thing happened today.

Things Happen (A George Weasley Story/ Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now