A Weasley Welcome

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Sliding across the wooden floor, I slammed up against the wall.
"WHY!" I groaned, pulling myself up off the ground. "Just one decent landing is all im asking for, is that too much?"
"Not really" I heard a male voice behind me snicker.
"Fredrick" I smirked, still with my back to the twin.
"Little Boy Blake"
Spinning around, I marched over to the taller version of Fred and scowled.
"Whoa! Blakely, summer has treated you well.....Very well" Fred looked me up and down.
Sure my skin was tanner and my hair was longer but other than that, nothing seemed different. Checking out his sun burn and new hair cut, I smiled big at him.
"I like the hair cut, looks good" I stated.
"You think? Mum made us cut it, said we looked spiritual or something"
Chuckling, I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"I missed you" I said, snuggling into his chest.
"I missed you too" He replied, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
"Thanks for the letters by the way. I was surprised"
"Yeah, I thought I should be the one to tell you about George and the Troll" He chuckled.
I laughed along with him, "She can't be that bad" I stated.
"You have no idea. Mum couldn't wait to get her out of here and you know how Mum is with people" Fred explained.
"Yeah, she loves everyone" I murmured.
"Speaking of" Pointing to the kitchen, I noticed Mrs. Weasley sinking her hands into the dishwater.
Tip-toeing over toward the dinner table, I walked around it and wrapped my hands around her head covering her eyes.
"Honestly boys, enough joking around I have work to do" She scolded.
Not taking my hands off, she sighed.
"Fred? or George?" She asked.
"Neither" I replied.
Taking a second to let my voice sink in, she grabbed my wrists and ripped my hands away from her face.
"BLAKELY! MY DARLING GIRL!" She screamed, wrapping me in a big hug.
"Ive missed you so much" I stated, hugging her back.
Hearing footsteps racing down the steps, I knew everyone heard of my arrival.
"BLAKE!" Ron exclaimed, wrapping me in a hug.
"RON! HARRY!" Harry joined in, making it a group hug.
"GINNY!" I screamed, seeing her walking down the steps.
"Blake! When did you arrive?" She asked, joining us.
"Just now" I chuckled, now being surrounded by Fred and Hermione.
Everyone seperated and Fred helped me with my trunk, walking up to my room next to the twins, George ran out.
"Is she here? I don't want her to see me. I look...." George started but soon stopped, running into me. "Horrid"
"Little to late for that isn't it Georgie" I chuckled.
Although George broke my heart, I still thought of him as a friend. He laughed a little and looked down at his feet.
"Dear Godric! Fred might actually be the better looking twin!" I exclaimed, looking at George's face.
There was nothing wrong with it but I still wanted to give him the micky about it.
"Finally, someone sees it" Fred said, throwing his arms up in the air.
Just then Percy trotted by.
"Ah look, down from the attic are we?" Fred asked, taunting Percy.
"Shut it................Oh Blakely, you look fantastic. Becoming quite the beautiful lady if I may say so" Percy grabbed my hand and kissed it.
I blushed.
"Dang Perc, thanks" I chuckled.
Continuing down the steps, Bill passed him coming toward us.
"Blakey! Look at you lovelier then ever I must say. You're Gorgeous" Bill spun me around.
"Ok, Ok we get it she's beautiful, gorgeous, fantastic, amazing....Lets get on with it shall we" George spat.
"Excuse me Georgie! I almost forgot your hug" I said, wrapping my arms around his waist.
He hesitated before wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
"Happy Birthday" He stated, pulling away from me.
"Mum has a dinner planned for tonight and everything" Fred stated, pulling my trunk into the room.
"Good because im starved" I made a funny face at the boys before entering my room.
Setting the alarm, I layed on the bed and dozed off for a few hours before the party.
It was nice to be back home.

"THE GREAT AND MIGHTY PERCY!" I heard Fred scream from the hallway, looks like that alarm was pointless.
Kicking my legs off the bed, I stood up and shook the sleep off. I went and popped my trunk open grabbing the first nice dress on the pile.

Throwing it on, I applied some red lipstick and fixed my makeup, twirling around in the mirror. I looked nice.
"Lovely" I heard someone say from the doorjam.
I was surprised to see Percy smiling wide at me.
"Aren't we just throwing compliments out left and right today" I giggled.
"Shall we" He asked, offering his arm to me.
"We shall" I answered, taking it.
We walked down the steps together, hip to hip. Hitting the landing, the lights flipped on and everyone yelled "SURPRISE"
I put a shocked look on my face and glanced at the ground. Angelina was here, with her arm around George.
Play nice.
"Oh wow! This is amazing guys, thank you!" I exclaimed, walking over to Angelina.
"Angelina! im glad you could come, how are you?" I asked, wrapping her in a hug.
She didn't return.
"Perfect" She said in an dull voice.
"Happy to hear" I smiled.
Taking a seat at the dinner table, we all passed around the food and chatted about our summers. It was one of the best birthday parties ive had in awhile and I honestly, didn't think anything could ruin it.
"Hey! Think fast!" Fred exclaimed throwing a roll at my face.
Catching it in my left hand, I chucked it back.
"Think Faster" I stated.
Dodging it last second, he gave me a wink.
"It's on Little Boy" He snickered
"Bring it WeasleB" I challenged.
Taking a spoon full of baked corn, he launched it at me.
Ducking under the table, I reached up and grabbed a handful of mashed potatoes.
Peering up, I saw Fred giving me a curious look.
Faking a throw at Fred, I slammed the potatoes in Rons face instead.
"Bloody Hell!" Ron exclaimed.
"Hey! Watch your mouth" I chuckled, kissing him on the cheek.
"Immature" I heard Angelina mumble under her breath but I choose to ignore it.
"You kids keep me young" Mr. Weasley exclaimed, giving us all a wink.
Continuing our meal, we were all having a really great time.
"Blake" Angelina stated, looking up at me.
Being the first time she spoke the whole dinner, I was a little surprised.
"What's up Angelina" I smiled, trying to make her feel welcome to the converstation.
"I heard over the summer that your father is YOU-KNOW-WHO...I mean Tom Riddle. Is it true, I know im being forward but im just curious" She smirked at me and I knew she wasn't just curious.She wanted to hurt me.

I sat there, mouth open. I didn't know what to say. My father was a touchy subject with me and making jokes about it wasn't something I loved.
"Why would you even ask that" Fred scoffed at her.
"I just saying, it wouldn't surprise me" She scoffed back.
A tear escaped my eye and I quickly wiped it away.
"George, get her out of my house now" Mrs. Weasley demanded.
"Oh well, if I knew you were so sensitive Blake. I wouldn't have asked" She chuckled.
"Sensitive" I let out a sad laugh.
"I will not have someone questioning my family and having them defend themselves" Mrs. Weasley continued.
Standing up Angelina grabbed her jacket and walked over to the fireplace followed by George. Hugging quickly, she threw some powder in and off she went.
"Real winner you got there Georgie" Bill snarled.
"Since when was it a crime being curious" George mumbled sitting back down at the table.
"Since she asked Blakely if Tom Riddle was her father" Harry snapped.
"and then said she wouldn't be surprised if it was true" Ron finished.
"Id expect Malfoy to say such a thing" Ginny stated.
"Can we please stop attacking my girlfriend" George said, standing up again.
"I thought id never see the day you'd stand with the enemy" Fred retorted, standing up as well.
"The enemy! She is my girlfriend!" George fought back.
"She disrespected family!" Fred stated, pointing at me.
"She's not even part of this family!" George yelled.
My heart broke, the Weasley's were my home away from home. They were my rock. How could George say that.
With tears running down my face, I stood and ran up the stairs.
"BLAKELY COME BACK!" Mr. Weasley yelled after me but I didn't listen.
Slamming the door behind me, I locked it tight.
George hated me that much. He knew I loved coming here. I always felt like this was my home as well. I even called Molly Mum for Merlin sake!
Laying on the bed, I buried my head into my pillow and let waterfalls release from my eyes.

Hours later, I heard a knock on my door.
"Blake, it's me" Hermione stated.
"Go away" I yelped.
"I know what George said was out of line, if you need to talk. You know where I am" She said before walking away.
Even if I wanted to talk, I wouldn't be ready anytime soon.
Waiting till around 5AM, I pulled on PJ shorts and a hoodie and slid my trunk quietly down the stairs.

Going over to the fireplace, I grabbed a handful of powder and pulled the hood over my head.
About to throw it on the ground, the lights flickered on.
"Whatcha doing" Harry asked, looking me up and down.
"Oh.........you know.............stuff" I stated, kicking around the rocks in the fireplace. "Sometimes, I just like to come down here and think"
Harry chuckled and grabbed the Floo Powder out of my hand.
"I don't know how it feels to never know who a parent is but I do know how it feels to never have them around. It hurts when you feel like no one is ever there for you. You just have to remember, you have your friends" Harry explained, pulling me on the couch next to him. "If it helps, Mrs. Weasley banished George from speaking ever again"
I chuckled and gave Harry a sad smile.
"Thanks for being there"
Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, I leaned against him.
"Anytime" He yawned.
Letting my eyes fall down slightly, my brain was finally at peace knowing someone was there for me.
Before I could even get another word out, I was fast asleep.

Things Happen (A George Weasley Story/ Sequal)Where stories live. Discover now