Things Happen (A George Weasley Story/ Sequal)

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"Well goodmorning my little birthday princess" My mom cooed at me.
"Please, don't call me that" I mumbled into my pillow.
Why was it that people always get you up early on your birthday. If this was my special day, id like to celebrate it how I want. With a good long nap.
"I have a piece of cake downstairs for you" mom whispered in my ear.
"Im up" I stated, sitting straight up in my bed.
"That's what I thought" My mom sang, walking down the steps.
Pulling the covers back, I hung my feet over the side of my bed as I rubbed my eyes.
My whole body was pulled to the floor.
Gripping ahold of the carpet, I looked behind me to see a Death Eater dragging me under my bed.
"HELP! MOM!" I screamed, at the top of my lungs.
I tired fighting off the Death Eater as long as I could but he was just to strong.
I could hear him snickering behind me.
"MOM PLEA........."

"Blakely! Baby wake up!" My mom shook me awake.
I was sweating and panting like a dog left out in the sun on a hot day.
"That's the 7th time you've woken me up this summer screaming. Whats wrong, same dream?" She asked, concerned.
"Yeah" I whispered.
"Well, get cleaned up and dressed. I have your stuff waiting for you down stairs. Don't let this ruin your birthday day baby" My mom soothed, kissing me on the forehead she started to leave but stopped in the doorway.
"Happy Birthday Blakely" She smiled at me.
"Thanks mom" I manged to smile back.
Jumping out of bed, I walked into the bathroom to find a package on the sink.
Opening it up, I found a whole new outfit layed out for me.
My mom was really the best.
Grabbing a quick shower, I pulled on my new outfit and did my makeup.

Walking down the steps, I was met with the smell of French Toast and bacon. My favorite breakfast.
"Birthday Breakfast for Blake" My mom chuckled, laying a plate down on the table.
"Thanks mom" I said, sitting down and chomping on a piece of bacon.
Chatting to my mom about my plans at the Weasleys and my 5th year at Hogwarts. It was finally time to say goodbye to the amazing women who gave me life 16 years ago.
I wasn't ready yet.
I hated leaving my mom, especially now with a DeathEater on my trail. The last thing I wanted to do was leave my mother here alone.
"Be safe" She warned, pointing her finger at me. "I love you and want to see you next year in one beautiful piece. Remember, Owl me once a week and keep me updated on your grades."
"Love you too mom" I chuckled, pulling her into a bone crushing hug.
"Tell that jerk with the weird looking girlfriend Hi from me" She made a funny face.
"MOM! George's girlfriend isn't ugly. She's prettier than me" I exclaimed.
"Well I am after all Bias, I think I have the prettiest daughter in the world" She cooed, grabbing onto both sides of my face.
"Her mom probably says the same thing about me" I chuckled.
"Oh she better not, i'll kick her butt"
We laughed at that for awhile before, looking at the fireplace and heeving a sigh.
"Well....." My mom trailed off.
"I don't want too but I must" I growled.
With one last hug and kiss, I grabbed the Floo Powder from the box on the mantel.
"THE BURROW" I yelled, throwing the dust into the cinders.
Green flames enveloped me and I was taken away.

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