Chapter 6

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  Darcie looked down. He lifted his hand to her face to make her look up at him. ''Will you?'' he asked. Darcie sighed. ''No,'' she picked up her bag and began to walk off. ''What do you mean no?'' Derrick asked grabbing her arm as she turned away. Darcie stopped in her tracks. ''I'm just not ready,'' she whispered not looking at him. ''Well I am,'' he wrapped his arms around her from behind and inhaled the sweet honey fragrance of her hair. He then moved her hair to one side and kissed her cheek. ''I've been waiting a long time for this Darcie and now that I have you I don't wanna let go!''

  Darcie was blushing. She could feel his warm breath on he r neck as he whispered. ''I love you.'' Darcie fell. Hearing those words come out of his mouth weakened her at the knees and she buckled. Right when she was about to drop to the ground Derrick grabbed her tighter and let her lean her weigh on him. ''Okay,'' she finally said pretending to be out of breath. ''I go out with you,'' Derrick turned her around to kiss her again. She put her finger to his lips. ''On one condition,''

  ''What's that?''

  ''Delete her number, delete the messages, the pictures, the calls , the emails, block her on your facebook page, unfollow her on twitter and any other social website.''' she had a motherly look on her face so he knew she was serious. ''Only If you do the with him,''

  ''What that's not fair.''

  ''Yeah it is. I don't want you calling him talking to him or hugging him. I don't want him at your house and I especially don't want him kissing you! Because those are lips,'' Darcie looked down and caught a glimpse of orange behind a bush. ''Fair enough,'' she said kissing Derrick on the cheek. ''And Tay you can come out now,'' Tay stayed hidden. ''Niggah we can see your orange Addias!'' Derrick said. Tay stepped out knowing he was busted. ''Since I don't have to repeat myself lets get going its a long walk back to your house,'' Derrick started. ''Wait but you haven't deleted anything yet,'' T ay cornered. 'He has a point,'' Darcie said folding her arms across her chest. Derrick handed Darcie his phone ''the passwords your name.'

  Darcie looked through his phone for a couple of minutes while Derrick carried her bag and books and Tay walked silently with a perplexed look on his face. She deleted Hayli's number and all the messages they ever had. She went to his gallery and deleted every picture she'd ever sent him (Including the explicit ones) And just for fun she sent her favorite picture of Derrick , shirtless, to her phone. ''All done,'' she handed him back her phone. ''Okay but Darcie can I just have one more hug? Please?'' Tay pleaded. He looked at Derrick who was glaring at him. ''Then I'll be done,''

  ''Okay,'' she hugged him. He held onto her by grabbing her butt and gently squeezing. Derrick was stunned. Darcie pulled away and punched him in the arm. He replied with a low chuckle. She then went o Derricks side. He put his hand in her back pocket keeping her as far away as possible from  Tay and walked her home.

  Tay headed ahead of them to open the unlock Darcie's front door with his spear key. ''He has the key to your house?'' Derrick asked. ''Well yeah,'' she trailed off. Derrick looked into her eyes.  ''Fine,'' she huffed. ''Tay, you cant come over after school anymore. And you know why,'' she nodded her head in Derricks direction before taking the keys out of his hand. ''Right I'll see you at school then,'' he slowly walked away from the door. He bumped shoulders with Derrick as he made his way down her steps with a twisted look in his eyes.

  ''So,'' Derrick muttered. ''So,'' Darcie rocked back and forth on her heels. She turned and unlocked her door and led Derrick in.'' Nice house,'' Derrick said dropping his backpack on her couch. ''Yeah thanks,'' Darcie went into her room and closed the door. ''You can come over when he's gone,'' she shouted out her window at Tay. He winked back in response. ''What?'' Derrick said assuming she was talking to him. ''Uh nothing. Be right out,'' she hollered out to him.

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