Escape, Rescue, Run

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Raising the gun up towards his cheek, Coulson waited behind the corner of the main hallway towards the centre of the Base, possibly where they were keeping Skye hostage.
He heard footfalls no more than 10 feet away from him. He clenched the gun tighter in his hands, and felt the cool metal resting on his cheekbone. He breathed in. Stepping out into the hallway, he squeezed the trigger; once, twice, three times. Two soldiers lay on the ground, dead.
" Mike, you go ahead, I'll cover you, " Coulson whispered orders. Mike over took the agent and scanned the hallway for cameras or CCTV that could blow their cover.
Mike stopped in his tracks and called over his shoulder, " Five targets entering the hallway in 3, 2, 1 - " A squad of soldiers charged around the corner of the hallway and Mike lifted his bionic arm and fired small missiles at them. There was a bright flash and an explosion of black smoke. Coulson shielded his face with his arm, coughed away the smoke that now trailed down the hallway and, to their disadvantage, set off the fire alarms.
"Great," he muttered, "Let's go! We've got to find Skye!" Coulson ordered and ran down the hallway through the smoke, Mike following close behind him.


Lights flashed on the walls of the long grey hallways and a high pitched siren blasted around the Base. Skye tried to walk as fast as she could behind the man who Ward had declared to be her father. Her thoughts on who this man really was came back to the question why Ward had told her this false information in the first place.
"What kind of name is Hersfeld anyway? Scandinavian? Icelandic?" She questioned, feeling breathless as their pace of walking quickened.
"I do not know of Scandinavian or Icelandic. I'm... not of this Earth," he replied slowly. Skye shot him a sarcastic look, "Yeah, I figured. So what planet we talking huh? Mars? Or -"
"I'm not from your galaxy," he interupted.
"Oh... right, a bit further then," she replied a little dumbfounded at the thought of Beings living lives in a whole new galaxy separate from hers. Hersfeld nodded in agreement and Skye couldn't help but notice a slight smile tickle his lips.
Suddenly turning a corner quickly they bumped into a group of soldiers running frantically around. One of them stopped to see Skye stop short and gasp.
"Over there!" The soldier shouted and whipped out his gun. Skye pulled on Hersfeld's arm and directed him to turn back. Running back in the direction of the cage, Skye halted outside another door labelled "EXIT"
"Hersfeld, wait!" She called after him and pushed the door open and walked through, and he just about ran through the door as a bullet bounced of the wall behind him.
They were in a large, dark, what looked like one of the secret underground aircraft hangers at the old SHIELD Base before everything was destroyed.
"An Exit! Come on!" Skye pointed at the furtherside of the hanger, which was at least 800 meters away, the bright green light illuminated in the dark above the fire door. Jumping down every two steps, the grating bounced beneath their feet, it wasn't long before those soldiers were behind them, firing at will. Their gun blasts ricocheted throughout the hanger, bullets chipping the metal handrails either side of them as they ran, sparks splintering in the dark air.

Hearing the fire power down the hallway, Coulson and Mike ran faster, their boots slapping on the grey concrete ground. They passed an exit into a dark room with a single light bulb flickering from the ceiling, and someone sitting in the dark behind a cell door.
"Wait!" Coulson called out to Mike and they both entered the room. They both lifted their weapons.
"Who is it in there?" Coulson called out. The shadow of the person crawled towards the cell door and wrapped their fingers around the bars and pulled their grimy face to see the two men staring bewildered at her.
"You have to get me out of here! They locked me up and - and - they took my husband - you have to find him!" She spoke through tears, her accent foren.
Coulson and Mike edged closer, unsure of her story as, being agents, they knew to be careful around emotional people. Emotions can be deseving.
"How can we trust you?" Coulson asked, his pistol still clutched in his hand.
"You are not Hydra no? You are with SHIELD?" She asked desperately.
"We are SHIELD yes. How did you know?" Coulson lowered his gun.
"Your people helped me and my husband before. Many years ago..." she trailed off into a mumble, staring at the ground, "SHIELD are good people. But Hydra... they destroy life, innocent pure life. They are the evil in this World, and they need to be stopped."
"I completely agree," Coulson nodded to Mike.
"Step aside madam," Mike said approaching the door and lifted his arm to the lock. The women moved away from the door,
"What are you-" she jumped in shock as Mike blasted the lock and chain, making a hole through the bars. The door slowly swung open. Coulson reached out his hand.
"Follow us."


Skye jumped a rail and landed heavily on the grating beneath her. The soldiers kept firing. She knew she just had to keep running until their bullets ran out, and then the real fighting can start.
She looked up through the grating as she ran down the next flight of stairs, and she could see the soldiers boots charging above her.
Suddenly a soldier was running up the stairs towards her and she stopped short. Where was Hersfeld? Had he vanished and left her to deal with Hydra alone? Viewing her options quickly she had to decide in a split second to either carry on and fight the soldier, stop and jump 20 feet to the ground, or turn back and run into the squad of perseuing soldiers. She took the first option. Running head on towards the man, he seemed a little taken back with her determination but continued full force up the stairs. When he reached the top a wormhole appeared. The soldier vanish through it and it closed, Hersfeld standing behind it.
"Take my hand," he demanded as he opened up another wormhole. Skye ran upto him and grasped his large hand, and they jumped through the wormhole.  Before she realised, Skye was on the ground and the soldiers where now 20 feet above them. That at least would buy them some time.

"Over there!" Skye pointed to the fire exit and they both ran together straight down the middle of the hanger, Hydra aircraft parked either side of them, the Red Skull printed boldly on each craft. Skye caught a glimpse of the Hydra symbol and her thoughts were suddenly flooded with bad memories. When Hydra destroyed SHIELD, when Hydra almost killed Fitz and Simmonds. No, when Ward almost killed them. WARD.

It was too late. As if her nightmares had come to life before her eyes, Ward was standing there at the door, a gun clunched between his hands.


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