Facing the 8 Headed Beast

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The bullet skimmed her jacket, just scraping her shoulder. Skye was amazed he hadn't just shot her straight in the head. It was like he was teasing her.
"Step any closer and there'll be a bullet in your brain," Ward shouted in that demanding yet calm voice he always had. Hersfeld shifted but Skye held him back with her arm.
"He's not bluffing," she told him to stand his ground and he stared angrily at the man; the man who'd caused him so much pain, grief, and anger.
"When are you going to explain to me what's going on? Yeah I get it, you want to destroy SHIELD, but do you really think using a guy with superpowers to kidnap me is really gonna do much?" Skye shouted, agravation in her voice.
"Well clearly you weren't as thorough with your deduction skills this time Skye-"
"Don't you dare say my name again," Skye growled through gritted teeth. The anger that was bubbling inside of her was at the point of explosion. Ward pursed his lips together and lowered his gun. He slowly walked forward. Skye stepped backwards.
"No, you don't move, I move," Ward pointed the gun at her as he shortened the distance between them. Skye bit her tongue.
"I'm sure you and your father here have had some little chat time to get to know what's going on. Go on, what did he say?" Ward asked quietly, in an annoying and frustratingly calm way.
"He's not-" Skye went to say but Hersfeld interrupted.
"I'm not her father," he almost growled in his low voice and his eyes glowed again, "Everything you told me was a lie. My home, my family, my life! I even forgot about my own wife. Of all the humans I have encountered, you are the most evil of them all."
Ward sighed and shifted some dust across the floor with his polished black boot.
"It is a shame about that, she was a lovely woman, very quiet and... ordinary." Hersfeld froze and shook his head.
"Was? What have you done!?" He went to charge forward but Skye grasped his arm and stood infront of him.
"Enough! If she's still alive, you better realise her and bring her back to Hersfeld," Skye demanded urgently.
"Why would I do that?" Ward scoffed creasing his brow in disgust.
"If you return Hersfeld's wife, I'll turn myself in-"
"No!" Hersfeld whispered. Skye turned to face him.
"It's okay, I'll figure this out," she whispered back, "It's more important you get your wife back and get out of here!" She turned back to face Ward.
"Deal? Hersfeld's wife for me?" Skye breathed in deeply and went to take a step forward to prove that she was being serious. Wards features softened into a smile, but not a friendly warming smile, but one of mischief and revenge.
"So, you've finally given yourself up, you've come back to me at last."
"You're insane," Skye murmured and looked down at her dirty Converse as she stepped closer, each one heavier than the last.
She was almost in arms reach when she suddenly felt nauseated and dizzy. She couldn't look at him, she didn't want to. Hersfeld breathed angrily and clenched his fists. He couldn't let this happen.
"That's it, come closer," Ward spoke softly and it rang loud in her ears. Skye was still looking down until she could see his booted feet at the edge of her brows.
"Look at me... Look at me!" He shouted uncontrollably like a spoilt child. Skye shook with fear which she found hard to conceal, and slowly rose her head. 5, 4, 3, 2...
"What!?" Ward's voice was distant and echoie as a portal energised infront of her. The portal blocked the reach between them, but even then Skye felt too close to him. She span round to see Hersfeld lifting his hand to the portal and his eyes glowing bright.
"Go!" He shouted above the swirling wind tunnel infront of them, "I'll finish this off!"
"What about your wife? What about going back home? To Asguard!?" Skye called back.
"You must find her, SHIELD must protect her! Tell her I love her-"
"You can tell her yourself, come on!" Skye shouted back and gestured him to follow her through the portal. He ran upto her and stood by her side staring into the lightness. He placed a hand on her back and smiled down at her.
"Take care of her," he said tearfully. Skye looked up at him startled and knew what he was about to do.
"Hersfeld!" She screamed as he pushed her through the portal, it warped into a small spiral and closed shut...

There stood two monsters facing each other. Even with his unlimited power, Ward faced the Asguardian just like every other target he had dealt with. And his moto was; shoot first, ask later...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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