Chapter 3

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His meditation session went longer than expected, and Obi-Wan came to to a landed, and empty, ship.

Obi-Wan used the Force to let go of his growing panic and anger at Azelynn. He should've known that she wouldn't listen to him. It feels like he is dealing with his last padawan all over again.

Obi-Wan checked their whereabouts on the ships navigation. They are exactly where he set the ship to take them. Daenswell City, on the planet Daenmor.

The city is much like Tattooine, but without the double suns. It's a dry and sandy desert, and slave oriented. Many of the outer rim planets are desert planets, or swamp planets. The desert planets are the more favorable considering the swamp planets contain the Svit which are murderous creatures that eat anything with a heart beat.

Obi-Wan exited the ship trying very hard not to worry that Azelynn got captured. And then he tried very hard to believe that is not her actual plan to find who she is looking for.

It is in this moment he realizes she never told him who she is looking for. She got mad when he assumed it was a boyfriend, which means it could be a lost family member. He wishes he had found out before she ditched him. It might be easier to find her in the city if he knew what type of tracks to follow.

Outside, Obi-Wan finds it is not as hot on this planet, and the city is rather big in the near distance. Azelynn did well landing outside of the city at a location no one will bother to look twice at.

He doesn't know the first place to start looking for her, all he has is the Force to guide him. Hopefully it won't be too difficult, her signature is loud after all. 

Azelynn doesn't mind this planet so much. It is much cooler than back home, and the city is rather updated with brick buildings and stone pathways. She wonders if the planet has any oceans or rivers that the locals use for water.

The people are of many different species, some she has never seen before. The shops along the streets are alive with them. It's a shame that she doesn't have any form of currency to shop around while she is here.

The truth is, she doesn't have the slightest clue what she is doing. She doesn't even know the first place to look when searching for an encaptured slave. Would asking the locals make her look suspicious? Azelynn wishes she had a picture of her to show around.

But even then, how does she know she wouldn't be alerting the owners of her? They could easily disappear and Azelynn will be back to square one, except now her owners will be prepared.

If she doesn't do anything, then why is she here? Getting off Tatooine is wonderful, but not to end up on a planet just as similar. Perhaps she'll find another planet to settle down on, and hopefully her mother will be with her.

Azelynn knows she is limited on how she can handle this. Her best bet is to simply ask, despite the possible consequences.

She decides to start in a local bar. That's where all sorts of people end up, everyone always wants a drink.

Inside, it's no different from the bars back home. However, it is far more intimidating.

Azelynn is not familiar with the species she is spotting all over this city, and she finds herself in a similar situation looking around the bar. As she entered, each of them turned to stare at her and some conversations went quiet. A moment later, they all went back to their business.

Azelynn got the sudden sinking feeling that her mother is not on this planet.

Her attention was pulled from her thoughts by a tug of her tunic at the waist. Looking down, there stands a boy with long brown hair and curious blue eyes.

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