Chapter 7

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Azel didn't realize she is crying. The tears fell freely down her cheeks and her body trembled, either from the cold of the rain or the sobs racking through her.

Ben brought her tea, and told her she should change. Azel couldn't move. She sat there staring at the control panel. She noticed there are coordinates programmed in.

"Where are we going?" She asked him when she was able to get a hold on her tears.

"Somewhere I was hoping I wouldn't have to," mumbled Ben as he sat down beside her. He is fully dry now, and wearing his old robes. She examined him and the lightsaber on his belt. She should've known just from those tunics alone.

She should've known because she is a Force Sensitive. How can she even miss that?

Azel wiped the wet streaks from her cheeks angrily. As upset as she is about not realizing Ben is a Jedi, she is still in shock by the events that occurred on Ryturn.

"All those people-"

"I know," Ben said without looking at her.

"They all just-"

"Yes," he replied, still not letting her finish.

"How can we just leave them? You're a Jedi! We could've done something!" She burst out, looking at him desperately. She wasn't sure what she would truly get out of this conversation. It's not like they could go back and save those people. There's not even a planet to go back to.

"We didn't have a choice," Ben answered her, "Jedi or otherwise."

She knows he is right. She hates that he is right, and that she understands. How could she understand why millions of people had to die? What kind of person does that make her?

"It's natural to feel guilty." He said to Azel, nearly reading her mind. "But there is nothing we could've done."

"I'm not feeling guilty," she argued petulantly, and crossed her arms over her chest.

Ben looked at her. "Yes you are, your Force Signature says it all." He said simply with a sip from his tea.

Azel stared at him. "My what?"

"Force signature. It's like your own personal scent that only those strong with the Force can sense, or even feel. Every emotion you feel, is prominent by those around you."

"W-what?" She stuttered out. So every Force Sensitive knows what I'm feeling at all times? Ben knew she was a sensitive the moment they met, so he could feel her every emotion since then. She couldn't help but feel slightly violated. Certainly the Force doesn't work like that? If she couldn't feel Ben or any other Sensitive she's come across (assuming she did come across one) then he must be exaggerating.

"That's only because you're not in control." He said, nearly answering her question.

"How do I get in control?" She asked him. She doesn't want others to know how she is feeling. She doesn't want others to know what she is just by looking at her.

"That's why we're going where we're going," Ben said looking out the window to the stars flying past. "And I need some guidance." He mumbled more to himself.

You and me both, Azel thought absently.

The two flew in silence after that. Bens secret is floating openly between the two of them, neither knowing how to really address it, or if they even want to. Azels secret apparently was never a secret to Ben, or any other Sensitive she's met. She feels sick, and is very confident she will vomit.

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