Chapter 13

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He felt the surge immediately. It started out as a tremble in the Force, and then grew into something that made his meditations deeper and much stronger. He was no longer meditating in his quarters, and lost in the memories of his past, but standing within a particular memory.

He and Obi-wan are walking together, and Obi-Wan reaches out to attack his hair. Vader shakes his head, glaring at the offensive act. However, his previous-self hides a smile with a scowl.

Vader sees he is not alone in this memory, there is a girl standing with her back towards him. Her Force signature is strong, impossibly so. It's laced with nothing but light and something... else. She is familiar to him, but he is confident he has never met her before.

He wonders how she is here, and how they are sharing a memory in his mind.

He needs to know, and he wonders if she holds the answers. This is his head they are in, so maybe he could...

He morphs his physical self into the memory of himself, and shields his Force signature with caution. He doesn't want to accidentally severe whatever bond they are presently sharing.

"I remember this moment," he said to her and thoroughly scared the kriff out of her.

The conversation didn't go as planned, however he got plenty of information out of her. He doesn't think she realizes she mentioned her friendship with Obi-Wan, which in turn confirmed that this is the girl from Ryturn that Krennic mentioned.

He was actually right about her. She is partnered with Obi-Wan, and she is so strong with the Force. He has her pinned to the wall now, and her light is laced with fear, making Vader smile. This seems to anger her though, and in that sudden burst of emotion, she flings him backwards using the Force.

He smiles at her again. Oh, there is such potential in her to become a great Sith Lord. He needs to know who she is, where she comes from, and why he feels a connection to her.

She ran from him, and he chased after her. He can't let her get away. He needs answers!

His anger at her for running flares within him, and before he knows what he is doing, he has morphed back into his current-self and drawn out his lightsaber.

Of course, leave it to Obi-Wan to ruin everything. He found a way into this shared Force connection and snatches her from his grasp before he can catch her himself.

The second she disappeared before him, Vader gasped out of his meditation. He feels incredibly exhausted, and braced himself against the floor in front of him. His raspy breaths came quickly and his vision danced with black, fighting the desire to pass out from such intensity.

Many thoughts are racing through his head, and most are questions. But the main thing he wonders is who the girl is, and why she is stupid enough to trust Obi-Wan. Doesn't she know how much of a traitor he is? How hypocritical and untrustworthy he is?

Vaders breathing slowly came back to him, and he felt strong enough to stand up. He needs to discuss this with his Master. This girl is powerful, and in the hands of a Jedi.

It wasn't a far distance to the bridge of their ship where Darth Sidious would no doubt be. Vader arrived there quickly, and noticed his Master at the far end discussing something with Tarkin.

"Ah, Lord Vader," his Master looked up as Vader approached. "I was just coming to see you."

He turned to Tarkin, and without a word, Tarkin left the bridge for the two of them to speak privately.

"I suspect you're here about the disturbance," he said to him.

Vader pondered his words and simply went with, "yes."

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