Chapter 14

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Arriving to Alderaan was easy thanks to the Senator. Their arrival was kept low-profile, and only a few people came to greet and help them. Senator Organa among the group.

"Obi-Wan!" The Senator exclaimed with a wide smile and opened his arms to bring Obi-Wan in for a brief and friendly hug.

"Hello old friend," Obi-Wan greeted warmly. "It is good to see you again."

"Like wise," Bail said kindly. He looks just as Obi-Wan remembered, if not a little more gray in the side burns. "Master Yoda told me to expect you some time in the future, however I didn't expect to get a call from you so soon."

Obi-Wan smiled tightly. "I hope it won't be a problem?"

"No! Not at all. I'm just hosting a lot of meetings and gatherings this week, and have several guests staying with me. I know we're trying to keep your anonymity, so I'm sorry to say that you might not have much privacy outside your room."

"We won't be needing much more than that." Obi-Wan informed him, and then looked back at his ship. Bail frowned at the concerned look on his face. "Did Master Yoda inform you about my passenger?"

Bail nodded his head. "Yes, he said you're training a new padawan."

Obi-Wan appeared hesitant. "It's a bit more complicated than that." When Bail was about to ask what he meant, Obi-Wan continued. "I'll explain the details later, but right now she is knocked unconscious. I don't believe she is injured but she has yet to wake up."

Bail put a hand on Obi-Wans shoulder reassuringly and smiled. "We will take good care of her then. I'll have my people bring her to your room, and send my doctor up to examine her."

Obi-Wan nodded his head gratefully. "Thank you, Senator. I owe you everything."

"After everything that has happened, it's the least I could do," he said. "Now lets get you both settled."


Han watched through watery eyes as Arrin is taken captive by Stormtroopers. He wants to do something--anything to save him. But what could he do? He is one person, just a young boy, against mass amounts of Stormtroopers.

He knows his battles, what he can win and lose, and despite how much he wants to make a move, he doesn't. He listens to what Arrin told him to do, and listens to his gut instinct to stay put.

He is hidden behind several dumpsters and a few Eopies. The smell is horrendous, but he is protected and has a good line of sight so that's all that matters.

Arrin is loaded onto the ship, and several Stormtroopers followed. Others got onto the other ships, and the man in white got into the same one as Arrin. The doors closed after they all boarded, and took off just as quickly.

Han waited until the ships were out of sight before he pulled his com out and called Ben.

"Arrin," Obi-Wan answered urgently. "What happened?"

"It's Han again," he whispered into the com.

"Han? Why are you whispering? Where is Arrin?"

"He was taken by Stormtroopers."

Obi-Wan fell silent. "Where are you?" He finally asked.

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