Chapter 15

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Azel woke to an empty bedroom, but food waiting for her at the bar and a handwritten note:

Help yourself to anything. Be back soon. O

Azel was torn between glaring at it and feeling nothing at all. The rumbling in her stomach decided to do as the note instructed and eat up. There is a collection of bread and fruits laid out for her, some of which she has never seen before but dared to try anyway.

Halfway through her meal, there was a knock on the door. Azel slowed her chewing on some toast and stared at the door as if she could see through it. Brushing her hands off she stood up and hesitantly approached the steel dividing her and her visitor. Something told her that it is nothing to worry about, but she still felt trepidation as she unlocked the door and let it slide open.

There stood a silver droid holding a tray with folded gray robes on top of it.

"Your cleaning, madam." The protocol droid informed her.

Azel released a sigh feeling more than a bit dramatic. "Thank you," she said taking the tray from him. The droid scurried off down the expansive hallway. Azel peaked her head out the door to see pillars lining the marble walls and a few closed doors on the walls across from her.

The droid turned a corner at the end of the corridor, disappearing from sight. Azel made a decision then and shut the door of her room.

She dressed quickly and examined herself in the mirror. She looks no different than normal, except her dirty blonde hair is a little unkempt from sleeping. She fixed it easily and then smiled in satisfaction at her work. The last time she looked in a mirror was in a dark Jedi Temple so she wasn't able to fully admire herself in true daylight. She must admit that the Jedi robes suit her from the style to the color despite being in the dark to pick them out.

Feeling all the more confident, Azel cleaned up her mess from eating and left the room.

The hallway is much cooler than their room and Azel is thankful for her Jedi cloak now more than ever. She crossed her arms over her chest and walked in the direction the droid went.

Azel turned the corner to see a massive staircase leading down two flights. She followed them down to find herself before two elevator lifts. There is only one button to go down. She pressed it and mentally noted that her and Obi-Wan's room is on the top floor and the last door on the right.

The doors opened and Azel stepped inside a glass structure that overlooked a large lake and snowy mountains. The view is breathtaking and unlike anything Azel has ever seen before.

The closing of the elevator doors pulled her from the sight. She turned around and examined all the buttons leading to various floors. She pressed for the main floor and hoped for the best. She isn't sure what she is hoping to find or do but anything that isn't keeping her cooped up in a room waiting for Obi-Wan is fine by her.

She hasn't decided how to deal with him yet. She isn't ready to forgive him, mainly because she has to hear his full explanation before she can do so, however right now is not that time. She is uninterested in speaking to the Jedi presently and would rather explore the beautiful grounds she has been brought to.

The elevator dinged and came to a halt on the ground floor. The doors opened silently and Azel was hit with a gust of cool wind before she stepped out and into a spacious courtyard.

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