Chapter 4

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Obi-Wan meditated. He cleared his mind, and released his feelings of worry, fear and anger to the Force.

After he felt rejuvenated with a clear mind and emotions, he tried to reach out to Master Yoda. It took some time, but finally finally Yoda responded.

"What is it young Kenobi?" Yodas voice echoed calmly in the back of his mind. It was always a funny feeling when speaking through the Force. It's like an itch at the back of your head, with a voice that isn't really a voice. It's more like sound waves flowing through the Force, and your mind translating it to words for you.

"Master Yoda, I have been trying to reach you." Obi-Wan mentally replied urgently. It is always easiest to speak through the Force. A Force User only needs to think the words, and direct them towards the person they're trying to reach.

"Heard you, I have. Dangerous it is to keep contact through the Force." He said, and he is right. All it takes is the right timing, the right train of thought, and someone could listen in. Particularly, a Sith from the Empire. All Vader has to do is meditate with heavy thoughts of either himself or Yoda, and he could hear them.

"I understand, but something has happened and I could use some guidance." Obi-Wan replied desperately.

"Disturbance in the Force, you feel." Yoda deadpanned.

Obi-Wan considered this. "Yes. However, I have discovered what I believe to be the source of it."


"Her name is Azelynn, and she is strong in the Force. I haven't felt anything like it since-"

Obi-Wan cut himself off. He hasn't been able to say, let alone think, his name in a long long time.

"Your late Padawan." Yoda filled in, ignoring Obi-Wans hesitation. "Midichlorian count, I would like to know." He continued.

"Me too. I have yet to find out. She does not know she is Force Sensitive."

Master Yoda was silent for a long moment. Obi-Wan almost thought the connection broke when he spoke up. "Careful you must be, Master Kenobi. Unrecognized, Force strength does not go by the beholder and their surroundings."

"You think she is lying? Or hiding it from me?"

"No, lying I do not think. Unawareness of her strength a possibility is, but more dangerous ignorance is within the Force. More plausible it is that she is holding it a secret. The Dark Side you must fear in her."

Obi-Wan was absently nodding along with with Yodas words. His last sentence caught him off guard, though. They can't just be so quick to assume that every strong Force Sensitive will turn Dark can they? Perhaps his last Padawan was a special case. "What should I do?"

"Guide her you must. Let her fall to the Dark side, you mustn't. Catastrophic problems it will cause in the Galaxy. Balance we must have."

"You call this balance?" Obi-Wan couldn't help but burst out. His thoughts reflected all of the pain he felt and all the death he's seen seven years ago.

"Faith in the Force you must have." Yoda said without answering his question. "Your instincts you must follow."

Obi-Wan paused to think about this. He isn't sure what to make of it, and isn't sure if he could train her or even if he wanted to. Yoda says she is more dangerous without knowing her strength, and even more so if she knows and is hiding it. But what if she learns the ways of the Force and turns Dark like his last Padawan? Azel is strong with the Force but she is also a loose cannon of emotions.

But then again, as he thought before, he can't be so quick to assume she will be like his last.

It reminded him that he has another issue he wants to address with Master Yoda.

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