Chapter 10

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Obi-Wan jumped up from his spot in the grass. He couldn't sit there any longer. He needs to move, needs to do something, to keep his thoughts and feelings in check.

Usually, it is meditation, but now he finds he can't do that with Azel just right there.

Azel opened her eyes and frowned at his sudden movement. She looks up at him with squinted eyes, and then brings a hand over her forehead to block the sun. "What's wrong?" She asks him.

"Let's begin training," He says and begins to stretch his arms.

"Well, what about meditating? I thought you said meditation is-"

"I know," He interrupts. "But we have a lot to learn. I would like to get in as much as I can before tonight."

Azel nodded. "Alright, whatever you like." She said to him and stood up.

"Stretch your arms and legs, then we will begin." He tells her.


They first went over basic self-defense maneuvers, repeatedly.

"You need to put more strength into it, Azelynn." Obi-Wan scolded her. He has her back pressed against his chest with his arm locked around her neck in a mock strangle.

"I don't want to hurt you," She repeated, yet again. He wants her to throw her elbow back and into his ribcage. He said, given enough pressure, she can incapacitate her assailant and escape. He also mentioned that if she did it hard enough she might even crack or break a rib.

Now that is hardwired in her head every time they repeat this position.

"You won't hurt me, Azelynn." He informed her.

"How do you know? And isn't that the idea of this?" She asked him.

"The idea is to escape." He said between breaths as Azel struggled to get out of his grasp, but without harming him. "Center your energy. Focus. I need you to channel the Force. Trust in it. You will not hurt me, and you will escape."

Azel tried to do as he instructed. She stood frozen in place, closed her eyes, and channeled the Force. It took her longer than she believes would be necessary if she were dealing with a real assailant, not to mention her airway would be cut off in the process making her heartbeat rise. There would be no way to escape and channel the Force at that point-

"Focus, Azelynn." He scolded her again, sensing her drifting thoughts.

Azel did, and swung back her arm. Her elbow connect with the bottom edge of his ribcage, making him gasp and loosen his grip. Azel quickly escaped and held onto his left wrist, twisting herself around behind him and pulling his arm with her. She bent it upward at the elbow so his hand is nearly touching his head, and held him there. Obi-Wan gasped in shock, and Azel kicked the back of one of his knees, knocking him down onto both.

"How was that?" Azel questioned with a smirk, not releasing him from his hold.

"Good," He answered roughly. "But one more thing."

Before she could ask what said thing is, Obi-Wan shifted his weight onto his right knee and kicked out his left leg. His leg caught onto Azels ankle and sent her off balance and to the ground. Obi-Wan anticipated her to release his arm as she went down, but instead held him in place, effectively pulling him on top of her.

Obi-Wan situated himself with his knees on either side of her hips, and his hands holding both of Azels wrists on either side of her head.

"You were suppose to let go of my arm, now look where you are." He said it to her in a scolding manner, but with an amused expression. "How do you plan to get out of this?"

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