Chapter 5

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A/N: I want to let you all know that if I jump POVs between Azel and Obi-Wan that I specify it with changing Obi-Wans name. Some of you may have noticed this already, but if not, Obi-Wan is known as Ben to Azel, so she will refer to him as such. And Obi-Wan is known as Obi-Wan to himself. I hope that's not too confusing! Anyway here's chapter 5, enjoy!


Arrin couldn't help but smile at her happily. His brown eyes glistened with his glee.

"What are you doing here? How are you here?" She lit into him with questions, ignoring his obvious excitement. She put away her blaster.

"I managed to buy myself free," he said grinning.

Azel wasn't smiling back. "How did you find me?"

"Well when I left that morning it was to go buy myself out. I wanted to surprise you, but when I came back you were gone and there was a note. So, I followed you. I managed to catch up to you on Daenmor, but you were being chased and took off so fast I couldn't talk to you. So I followed you here." He explained.

Azel pushed aside her anger and annoyance at her friend to ask something that's really bothering her. "How did you find a ship?"

"What?" He asked, obviously not expecting that question. He expected her to be happy that he is free and found her.

Except, Azel grit her teeth. "How did you find a ship, Arrin? It took me months."

Arrins face fell and then she immediately knew her worst fears.

"You son of a Hut." She cursed at him angrily. "You had one this whole time-"

"Azey it's not like that-" he tried to defend.

"All these years you could've been free, hell we both could've been free. Even if not, I could've left months ago to find my mom but instead you watch me struggle and beg strangers for help."

"Azelynn I couldn't just let you travel on your own. There's a blasted war going on out there!" He exclaimed.

"Get out," she said to him. Arrin looked shocked.


"Out!" She yelled at him and pointed towards the exit. Arrin gave her a sad look and turned away. She continued to point at the door until he walked out of the ship. She closed the ramp door behind him quickly and tried to control her anger. She stood staring at the control panel, not really seeing it before her.

"Relax," Ben said behind her when the door shut, he was closer than she expected. His voice surprised her, but also soothed her. It did little to relieve her anger at Arrin though.

"Just breathe. What matters is that you're out here now, looking for her. Just let it go," he continued gently. Truthfully, Obi-Wan just wanted to test her ability to control her feelings. He immediately felt his result. Azel began to calm down, it was shaky but it worked.

She turned to face him, eyes glassy with her anger and sadness. "How can I let this go? My best friend betrayed me." She spoke roughly, her anger swelling up again, but she tried to push it back down. Obi-Wan is surprised at how well she is maintaining it. It gave him hope that maybe she could use her Force for good.

"It could be a lot worse," Obi-Wan said to her, thinking of his own friends betrayal of him.

Evidently, that was the wrong thing to say. Obi-Wan was never very good at talking to women.

"How could it be worse?" She growled at him, anger bubbling up but this time it's directed at him.

Your friend could've destroyed the galaxy. He could've tried to kill you. He could've murdered several children....

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