Chapter Eight - Out of the Castle

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Chapter Eight – Out of the Castle

I spent the remaining of the week exploring the outskirts of Eirene, venturing into the fields and farms. Alex was out of town with an errand (which Anna and Kristine did not fail to remind me of our conversation – the royals had responsibilities to fulfil) and I felt that it was equally important to understand the farmers as much as the town folks. When I conveyed my intention to James, he immediately made arrangements for an escort to accompany me out of town as well as assist in whatever need I had. (I found out that James was Alex's personal butler and right-hand man, so he had to remain in the Castle to await Alex's return.)

My temporary out-of-town escort, Malcolm was a young man in his mid thirties. When I told him I wanted to explore the outskirts of Eirene, he suggested my going to stay at his Uncle Bob's farm which was some two hours away from the castle. Since I was game to try anything new, I agreed and packed up a small bag to bring along with me. Anna and Kristine were sad to have me leave even for a few days. By now, the three of us had become the best of friends. (Of course, the gang at home are still my best buddies!)

Uncle Bob's farm was situated along a creek facing a small range of hills. He was a burly and lively man in his mid fifties, greying white hair and a big hearty laugh. Farm work kept him fit and strong. You could see tough bulging muscles under his sleeves. Jon's physique was pale in comparison! His wife, Aunt Isabelle, was a round plump lady who spent her time baking muffins and cupcakes in the kitchen. She made a little profit doing her baking business.

The farm had about ten workers whom helped out seasonally when harvest time was around the corner. Apart from rearing cattle, the farm grew corn. It was a small scale farm, enough to feed the family, plus the ten workers' families and some for the small village market. They rarely travelled to town so Uncle Bob was real ecstatic to see Malcolm. They had three girls of which two had married into other villages far away. The youngest daughter who was still living with them – Daphne, was a girl aged nineteen.

Daphne was really excited about the Grand Ball since she missed it the year before due to sickness. Any girl of any status was welcomed to attend the Grand Ball. In fact, once a girl hit the age of eighteen, she would receive the invitation to the Grand Ball if there was one. And the most amazing thing was – all expenses would be paid for! You would get a night stay in town, plus the transportation into town and back home, as well as the gowns and accessories when you shopped in town. Wow. Even if I was not keen to attend the Grand Ball, I probably would appreciate the gifts. No wonder, girls and parents were so excited.

Uncle Bob taught me how to cattle ranch and I had a few rounds of milking the cow. Farm life included waking up early in the morning and working till late in the evenings. But bonds were strong and it felt good to sit down for a hot dinner after a day's hard work. The family would sit around the table talking and laughing. It was all so heart-warming.

It reminded me of my own family back home. I realised how much I missed them. Even Jon's nonsense and sarcastic remarks seemed so welcoming.

Daphne showed me around as well, to her friends and to the village of Eisborne. It was a small village of at most thirty families where everybody knew everybody. In the evenings, men would gather at the tavern for a drink and a good chat. The village school (more like a class made up of different levels of students) had only fifty students ranging from the age of five to twenty. There were only three teachers who taught almost everything from nursing to agriculture to economics. The legal age in Eirene was twenty. Once you reached adulthood, you were expected to find a job or work somewhere. Some went to the town; some went to the castle, while some remained to help their families and villages. Daphne was hoping to move to the town as well but she was reluctant to leave her parents behind.

Most of the girls were looking forward to the Grand Ball but not really keen to become the queen. If chosen, they would gladly accept. Else, they looked forward to the chance to being in town. As I mentioned earlier, all expenses paid for the trip into town, and that included the accompanying escort. He could be the father, uncle, brother or friend as long as the girl was accountable to him. Invitations were sent only every alternate year to the same girl. So if Prince Alex had been holding Grand Balls since he turned twenty, the same eligible girl would have probably received four invitations so far (he would be holding his twenty-eighth this year).

Daphne and her friends were excited to hear that I was staying in the Castle. However, no matter how curious they were, they did not ask me any questions at all.

On the fifth morning, I was surprised to find James at the breakfast table.

"Good morning Miss," he stood up upon seeing my entrance and bowed.

"Why, good morning yourself, James!" I exclaimed, clearly surprised.

Sensing my bewilderment, he explained, "His Royal Highness is requesting for your presence back at Kaytherin Castle."

Oh! So, Alex had returned from his 'errand'. I nodded, finished up my breakfast and went to the room to pick up my bags.

Just as I was about to step out of the house, Daphne came running in.

"You are leaving?" She asked, panting.

"Yes, I have to return," I replied sadly, indicating towards James.

She gave me a big hug. "I think you will make a good queen." She added softly.

I looked at her in shock when she shooed me out of the door.

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