Chapter Twenty eight - A fierce battle

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Chapter Twenty eight – A fierce battle

It was as if a command.

The Warts charged forward towards us once again.

King Orthos' voice came loud and clear.


The Eirenians cheered and yelled as they ran forward.

Suddenly, I felt my tree moving.  It did not physically uproot itself to walk but the tree shook and I saw a movement of the roots underground shot forward.  It was grabbing and pulling, then it pounded causing the whole tree to shake.

I had to grab tighter to keep myself from falling off the tree!

I heard the sound of metal clashing against metal and I could see the magic sparks flying everywhere. Red sparks, green sparks, blue sparks and golden sparks. 

Bodies were flying everywhere and blood spluttered everywhere as well.

I sat on the tree looking at these in dismay.

How could I help Eirene?

I was almost crying.

How could my love save them?

I saw Esther on a nearby tree, grabbing for all her life as well. She caught my glance and I saw that she felt the same pain as I did. Her eyes were crying silently.

Some of the younger folks were also starting to climb up trees for refuge.

I saw a dwarf kneeling over a fellow dwarf as he tried to save his friend. My heart felt like it had been stabbed.

And just then, a Wart came behind him.

I knew he would be dead.

No! I could not see it happen!

I screamed and with a deep determination, I pointed my finger at the Wart from where I was sitting.


The time seemed to stop at that moment when I saw things going in a slow motion.

A jet of light came shooting out from my finger. And it hit the Wart directly at the chest. The impact of the spell caused him to fly backwards and hit a fellow Wart.

When I saw what happened, I wanted to try it again.

I started pointing at Warts and shouting 'REPELIMUS'.

But nothing came.

At the corner of my eye, I could feel Esther's eyes on me.

I did not attempt to try casting any more spells.

The fairies were doing fine. Twinkle Toes and Blinky were fighting well.

As time went by, the energy of the battle seemed to die out. Both the Warts and the forest folks grew weary and tired. They were fighting in less vigour and the noise seemed to die down.

The frontline of our army seemed to have shifted forward as I saw less fighting around my tree.

The rest on the tree seemed to realise the same and we started descending to the ground to help the injured.

We took and nursed the injured. We cried for our brave heroes who had died.

Some began searching for their friends and loved ones.

The Warts seemed to have retreated as well.

I moved forward, searching for Camus, or King Orthos, or even Alex. I spotted Camus at the corner of my eye. He was nursing Lightning at the side of a creek which had arose from King Orthos' awakening.

I saw King Orthos' silhouette at the side of some injured elves as he helped them back to the forest.

Esther had gotten to help some injured pixies.

But where was Alex?

The fighting was still going on ahead.

I tried to search for him with my eyes but I could make out nothing.

Then suddenly, I heard a loud gasp.

And I saw him.

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