Chapter Thirty - The Grand Ball

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Chapter Thirty – The Grand Ball

I woke up with the biggest headache I ever had in my life. I felt like I just had the worst nightmare. My body ached and I could barely sit up.

"Oh! You are up!" A chirpy voice greeted.

I saw Anna drawing the curtains.

"What day is it today?" I asked.

"Why, today is the Grand Ball, silly!" she laughed.

The Grand Ball.

"Where's Prince Alex?" I asked sharply.

"Prince Alex? He's in his room getting ready for the Ball of course. It's almost noon time. You better get ready soon. I had got your lunch brought up!"

I got up, washed and sat down for lunch.

I was still having a splitting headache.

I tried to recall what happened last night in the forest, but everything came back in a blur.

I was unable to get to any of the guardians, not even Alex.

I did not have much appetite for lunch.

The hairdresser came soon after and I spent three hours in front of the dressing mirror while she busied herself with my hair and make-up.

She had my hair curled into light waves and tied some of the hair up for a dramatic effect. The make-up was light and natural of which I appreciated greatly.

Anna and Kristine were holding their breaths when I emerged from the corset in my yellow gown.

"Oh, you are so beautiful!" They gushed, making me blushed even more.

At about six, I was ready to head to the ballroom.

Alex had already proceeded to the ballroom so James escorted me. I was tempted to ask James how Alex was but I refrained from doing so.

As we approached the Main Hall through the private corridor, James told me to wait at the door.

I stood by myself, fidgeting with my dress when I heard his voice.

I turned to see him approaching with James. They were in deep conversation and he did not noticed me until James greeted me.

My heart almost dropped. I never seen a more handsome prince before.

Apparently, I had the same effect on him.

"Hi," he said shyly, as he took my hand and kissed it.

"Hi." I could see some faint traces of the battle cuts on his upper lip as well as on the cheeks.

"You are breath-taking..."

I blushed.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded.

He took my arm and hooked it into his.  Then he gave three short raps on the door.

The door was drawn opened.

The gay music playing and the cheerful lights drew us in, as we entered the hall together.  Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at us. As we passed them by, they bowed and curtsied. Alex led me to the private table where King Orthos and Queen Sophia were sitting. They smiled at me.

Alex invited me to dance the first dance with him. He taught me well and we went about flawlessly (I did not step on him at all!).

I spent the rest of the evening dancing with Camus, King Orthos, and the male invited guests. I also met some of the distant cousins of the royal family of which Camus told me secretly that Lady Annabelle was a prospective candidate for Alex. I was not sure if he meant to tease me or not but she was indeed a beautiful young lady and Alex had more than a few dances with her that evening.

(Of course, I can't help feeling jealous!)

Every lady who turned up had a great time that evening and I even managed to catch up with Daphne – Uncle Bob's daughter at the farm. She was looking stunning in her blue dress.

Soon, the time had come for the night to end.

The Eirene folk dance was called for, the last music note was strung and the doors were closed.

After the guests left, Alex escorted me back to my room.

And it was then I had my chance to talk to him about the previous night.

"Are you still feeling pain?" I touched the cut on his upper lip.

He took my hair and kissed it lightly. "No, my love."

"I can't recall what happened."

"Neither do I."

I looked at him puzzled.

"When I opened my eyes, I saw that you were lying on me. I carried you back to your bed."


"But Father told me everything."

"What did King Orthos say?"

"I remembered that I came to protect you from the Wart wizard and took a hit before I blacked out. Father said, after that you came rushing to me. They tried to stop you but you only ran faster." He took my hands and held them tightly.

"Then you managed to repel the wizard. And the next thing they knew was a huge crystal of white engulfed the both of us. And when the light disappeared, I was up with you in my arms."

"I couldn't understand what happened either..."

"Did you remember anything?"

"I remembered that I was crying because I thought you were dead. Then Kaytherin appeared. I begged her to save you but she said she can't. Then suddenly, I just knew I had to kiss you. And the next thing, I woke up with a splitting headache."

He looked at me with his deep blue eyes and I saw the inner circle of blue. "Jo, do you know what it all means?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"


"Your dream. It was more than just the prophesy, wasn't it? Kaytherin told you something else."

I nodded silently.

"You are the chosen guardian of healing and love. Only a true guardian can repel with white magic."

He paused.

"And only a guardian of healing and love has the gift of healing."

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