Part 9: The dark, The Light

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My heavy eyes parted and I wish I would've kept my eyes closed.

I was surrounded in darkness. There was no sound, I felt as if I could hear my own thoughts. Sounds of faint whispers catch my attention and I turn my head in the direction. The whispers were defiantly not english. My feet carry me towards the large circle of people. Their arms raise and my feet stop.

The soft whispers have turned into furious shouting. My body refused to moved. All fifty or so women snap their heads in my direction. I had to be imagining things; their eyes fully black. They move in abrupt movements, unhuman. Behind them seems to be a shape, and I automatically assume the worst.

The women start to laugh. Their heads looking to the sky, but never stop walking towards me. Suddenly one of the women appear infront of me, I stumble backwards and fall on my back. She holds her hand out for me to take. Every part of me wants to reach and take the hand. Out of the corner of my eye I see a bright light. Sounds of cars and a breeze come with it.

I take another long look at the darkness. It was peaceful, but was hostile. So many unknown secrets in the void. My head turns back to the noise and blinding light. I feel gravitated towards the chaos. My feet stumble towards it. The women leave my mind even though they are pulling at my body. Their hands pulling me back, but failing as I get closer. Their voices grow louder, but I carry on. Their faces twist into displeasure as they follow me towards the light. As I stand infront of the entryway I turn to look blankly at the women. I oddly felt nothing. My body was empty. I was neither happy, scared, or worried.

I took one step back and once was greeted by darkness.

As my eyes flutter open my senses are greeted my green and black, and I close my eyes once more. A throbbing pain in my head makes me groan. My eyes open again and I force myself not to close them. An asphalt road lays beneath my head. Green trees tower above me. My weak hands try to lift me from the dirty ground, but fail and I fall back down. I try again, this time able to get to my knees.

The sound of a car fills my senses and I look in that direction to see a small black and white dot coming my way. I just stay put on my knees in the middle of the road. I wait, hoping that the car will stop. Because I have no idea where the hell I am.

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