1: A New Home

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I look up at the two storey white house. "We've done better" I whisper to myself. This house looks like a possible drug house; maybe I'll get lucky and find a stash.

"Alex," my mother starts ", come grab more than one box; you're stronger than that."

As I carry the two boxed up the steps I hear some glass clinking together. The phrase 'beauty lies within' is valid for this house. Dark wood reflects the sunlight and the creme walls capture the beaming lights. The look illuminates joy and a sense of calm throughout my body.

The creaky steps creates an eery feeling, contrasting the joy from the other rooms. Reaching the top I see the brightly lit hallway and it's three doors. All three doors have the same dark pattern as the lively floor. I push open the door on the last door on the right and I enjoy the sight I see. The window seat catches my eye and I stride over and set my boxes down as I sit down.

This is our fourth house since I was nine. There is a soft knock on the door and my father walks in with his red hair hanging down to his brows. "Dang it, I hoping for this room." He says jokingly. He slowly walks over and sits next to me. "Are you okay with all this moving?"

"Yeah, I honestly think I will like it here." I pause "Why do we keep moving?" When I ask this, he avoids eye contact and stutters a few times. "Not a reason-uh-work." He quickly responds and stands up and exits the room.

I look out the window and see a moving van pull into a house behind ours. They new family of three piles out and fumbles with all the boxes this first pick up. "Noobs". I shake my head and go out to bring more boxes in. As I step out of the new house i hear my mom yell "There is my lovely daughter. I thought you ditched unpacking, glad you're back!" She smiles as she hands me two more boxes.


After hours of carrying boxes into the house it was finally time to dissipate to our separate rooms. Since our beds, or anything larger than a table, won't be here until tomorrow I decide to sleep in the window seat. I grab a pillow and blanket and situate myself in the purple seat.

We hadn't move far. But we moved quickly and quietly. I pick up my phone to text my best friend, Jeane. 'Hey, wanna help me unpack my room tommorow?'.

I look behind our fence to the house behind us and the had three candles in each window. Their house house must smell heavenly. My mind wanders off about a layout for this new room of mine. That's when my phone lights up, indicating I have a message from Jeane. 'No, I can't. I already made plans. Maybe next time.'

My phone light dies down as I set my phone down for the night. I roll onto my right side and drift off into a welcoming slumber.


I wake up to a cold sweat. What is this about? I rip off my covers to try to dry myself and in the process I feel uneasy. Deciding to open a window I walk back over to my original spot and stop dead in my tracks. A note is taped on the inside of my window. Did my parents come in here? No, if they needed me they would've wok me up. It can't be too late in the morning, the sun is still down.

I pick up the note, hesitant to read it but I force my eyes.

Maybe the reason you keep moving is because us. You can run but we're not far behind. I would say watch your six, but that wouldn't help you from us. Go ahead, tell you're parents you little brat, we will start with them.


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