Part 10: Hopes of a Monster

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The sound of the car came closer and closer. I started wondering if it would really stop. Just as I had that thought the engine started growing quieter. The sound of tires on gravel catches my attention. A door slams and I keep my eyes shut, too tired to open them. "Oh my goodness, are you okay?" I look up to an old man looking at me with a worried expression. "No. Please help."

The man pulled out his cell phone and tapped in three numbers. It was silent for a moment, then he started frantically talking to the person on the other line. My vision focuses on the evergreen trees lining the highway. It all seemed familiar. The green trees made me feel calm, I felt at peace.

All my senses start to blur as the stranger starts to walk towards me. Questions, he wants answers to his questions. I would answer if I understood what he was saying but all the sounds morph into a low rumble.

A few minutes went by with him pushing questions on me when I saw flashing lights. My eyes stuck to them like glue.

Where the hell was I?


I was now sitting in a hospital somewhere in North Dakota. The police called my parents and they bought me a plane ticket back to Ohio. So many questions came from the police.

"Did anyone kidnap you?"

"Where you running away?"

"How did you get there?"

I couldn't answer any of these. The last thing I saw was horrifying. It's tar like skin mocking me when I looked at its face. It's long arms reaching at my neck. It's terrifying pur. All of it was too scary to repeat. Looking in the mirror, excited to see what I was wearing, but instead I saw death staring right at me. The brown teeth sharp to a point. Dark red liquid tracing the brown teeth. I'm not safe from that thing. I'm not safe in my house. I'm not safe with my friend. I'm certainly not safe laying in a hospital bed.

Jeane called the cops when she found that I was no longer there. I want to talk to her, I'm sure she thought I ditched her. She probably hated me.

A police officer walked in with a note pad and I wish I was back in with the witches.

"Hello Alex, I'm officer Jenkins, how are you?" When I didn't reply he sighed and continued. "Alex, we need to know what happened. Are you willing to share?" I looked him straight in the eye and said nothing. There was nothing to be said. A small vibrating sound filled the room and soon came chimes. I looked at my phone to see a call coming through.

The officer left the room with no more information than he came. My finger hung over the green sign then finally swiped it.

"Hello? Who is this?" My voice sounded like I have never spoken before.

"Alex? Thank God you're alright! Don't get freaked out on how I got your number, Jeane gave it to me."  My attention was caught as soon as the caller said "Jeane".

"Who is this? Let me talk to Jeane."

"Sorry, she is over at your parents house right now. She can call you later. I need to talk to you."

"Who the hell are you?" My voice rose.

"It's Lazarus. What happened to you?" His voice was rushed and quiet. He knew exactly what was going on.

"Don't act all sweet and innocent, I believe you had somthing to do with it. You were there when it was in the tree. You had the nerve to say it was bees! Bee's? Really? Not to mention you always seem to slip right by when I ask you about it. Why should I trust you, in a dream I had you were the monster, and I felt I could trust you." I hadn't realized I told him about the dream until there was a long pause. I called him a monster. I barley know him.

"You're right. I am a monster." I waited for him to hang up but he never did.

"Lazarus, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry, it was some stupid dream I-"

"May just be some stupid dream, but that seems pretty accurate. You may not know me well, but I am a monster." His voice started braking and then he chuckles a little. "But this monster hopes you can make him good again."

Then Lazarus hung up.

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