Part 14: I Don't Want To

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"What the hell is a 'hex bag'?'" I swear Lazarus is speaking another language.

"It's usually a witch thing. A bag of bones, herbs, and everything nasty. Usually, to hurt or even kill a person, you can burn those to get rid of them; but this isn't a hex bag. From the looks of it, it won't kill you, so that's a plus." I feel a but coming on. "But", there it is, "there is a large chance it can hurt you. Hex usually isn't for good if it is aimed at another person. If your mom didn't take it out of the room with her, I could've told you what it would do." This didn't sit right with me; something is off.

"You know what it will do, don't you? I mean, you know the people who are doing this, so you must know what this is. You know so much about this whole 'hex' thing, no sane person could know that at the top of their head. Are you helping those people? Are you helping them in making me go insane? Because to tell the truth, I don't think I can do this much longer. Those people are winning. Can't you tell? Just tell them to leave me alone. You," I pause to make sure he understands I'm talking to him, "You need to leave me alone." My ramble is clearly making the gears in his head move. After he runs my words through his head several times he snaps his head up to look me in the eyes, obviously hurt like a kicked puppy. His mouth gapes multiple times before he actually talks.

"Don't jump to conclusions with this. I already told you I do not, under any circumstance, want to harm you. You are the only friend I've ever had. Sure they may hate you, but I don't. Have faith in me. I don't want to be a part of this, but by certain relations, I have to be otherwise I could possibly say goodbye to everything. I don't want to do this, Alex, I don't want to do this." His hands fall from their place in front his shoulders. A huff of air escapes his body and his shoulders fall. 

"I don't want to do this."  He repeats.

"Then don't do 'this'." I say this before I can stop myself. A few moments of silence pass, it's a comfortable silence. Its so silent I can hear multiple birds singing, a car driving two blocks away, my fathers T.V.. I sneak a peek at Lazarus and he's different. His eyes are wide open and he isn't blinking. His veins are popping out of his neck. His jaw continuously clenching and unclenching. Are his eyes completely black? I sneak closer to see if I'm just hallucinating again. No, I am not, his eyes are 100%, solely, pitch black. I look down to see that his hands had started shaking violently. My eyes snapped back up when a low hum started in his throat as if he was trying to talk.

"No!" His shout caught me so off guard I fell backward off my bed.

"I won't!" He makes fists and his knuckles turn white. After a few moments he no longer is making fists and his knuckles turn back to his normal color. I continue to stare at him, I;m not going to take my eyes off of him.

"Yes ma'am"

Without warning, his jet black eyes turn toward me. This is not Lazarus.

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