When one begins to read this book

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A mighty hello to you, friend!
When you read this:

one potato two potatoes

it means that you have decided to give my story a try. Please raise your hand and imagine I'm giving you a high five. Thanks, friend.

Before you dive into this book there are a few things you need to know:

This story is both in diary entries (Ruben: They're not diary entries, they're memory book entries) as well as third person narrative chapters.

When you read the diary entries, imagine you're reading them along with Ruben (after he has found his diary again. Remember, he's reading the mysterious new entries for the first time too!) and the narrative chapters are the ones, in which you can read what Ruben thinks or does, feels or eats when he is not reading his diary but trying to figure out who or what wrote inside it.

Also, the entries the person, who had found Ruben's diary, has made, are

bolt and left aligned!

Diary entries are titled with the date and narrative chapters with the beginning 'when one...'

Other than that:

Happy reading!

-sarah xx

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