Saturday|3rd September 2016

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We baked.

Five cakes.

With pink fondue.

And glitter flowers.

Mom thinks the bond is as unbreakable as ever.

I think she's as mentally unstable as ever. But also, I'm as emotionally scarred as ever.

Mom: Come on Rubie-bear. I have a apron for the little sweet cheeks. Come on, let's bake a cake shall we? Oh you little tootie-frootie mama's baby.

What in hell is a tootie-frootie mama's baby.

Apparently you, tootie-frootie mama's baby:)

As you can see John, I couldn't finish my last entry because my mom caught me before I could finish and hide in safety. Unfortunately she dragged me downstairs despite my cries of protest and made me bake cakes.

Back to more important matters: my kidnapping.

Scar and Noir dragged us to their little shed behind their house. Okay little is maybe an understatement because the shed is more like a mansion while their apartment is more like a shed.

You see Noir and Scar have this weird obsession with old furniture. They bring in old couches and tables and whatnot from places and then they spray paint them to awesomeness. Some even got sold!

You see, this all started when the sheriff caught them vandalizing the police station (a bit stupid of the two to do that in close proximity to so many cops but yeah, their brains aren't very big). Anyway, when the sheriff caught them he did kinda pity them for unexplainable reasons and let them go without a blink of an eye. However, they had to promise that they wouldn't vandalize stuff anymore. And that leads to the many furniture you can find in their shed. They no longer let out their frustration and hatred on walls of public places but on discarded furniture.

Anywhoo, Scar showed us what her bed would look like. It's just a normal bed frame with the batman symbol as the head board. When Mitchell tried to point out that it's just a normal bed, Scar almost hit him.

So after much discussion (form Mitchell's side) and fights (from Scar's side) and comments (from Noir's side) an useful tips (from my side), we had finally finally finally managed to put the bed together.

It took us the entire day. We had to make four trips to the shop to get nails and screws and paints. You think they'd bought all materials beforehand. But no!

Also, Scar's batman ended up more like a sheepman with many bumpy edges but no one was brave enough to tell her that.

Afterwards, she made us drag the bed three storeys up to her room. And inside her room she made us reposition the bed four times. And then she promised to kidnap us next week again so that we could help her paint her walls black.


fyfy, Ruben

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