undercover married

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You had been on the BAU team since you were right out of the academy and had gotten close to Spencer Reid. And got a crush on him. Very, very unfortunate. You guys were teammates, you couldn't possibly date! But your emotions never listened.

Right now, you were all convened in the police station conference room to discuss the case you were working on. There was a serial killer targeting young, wealthy married couples and he seemed to be working for one of dozens of catering companies or hotels or valet services available. The team just couldn't narrow it down.

Your friends all knew about your feelings for Spencer, partly because you told them, and partly because they're profilers. So when Hotch discussed sending people in undercover as a married couple for the case, Morgan and Garcia immediately volunteered you and Spencer. You gave them a nearly murderous look as Hotch agreed, saying you both best fit the victim type.

So now you all were in the fancy hotel room getting prepared. The rest of the team was using it as an investigation hub, because he murdered them in their hotel room. Disgruntled, you tried to zip up your dress, to no avail. You opened the door of the bathroom you were in to see Spencer attempting to do a specific knot on his tie across the room.

"Spence, if you zip me up, I'll tie your tie." You offered, and he looked up at you dumbfounded.

Suddenly you remembered you were wearing a well-fitted ankle length dress with a slit going up one thigh. It was revealing your cleavage as well, and you felt your cheeks heat up to match the color of the dress.

"Reid." Morgan snapped his fingers in his friend's face. "Stop drooling."

The younger man snapped out of it sheepishly, waving you over. "Sure thing, Y/N." He gave you a smile as you moved your hair to the side.

After you were all secure, you turned around to help adjust his deep red tie that matched your dress, nails, and lipstick. You found your hands lingering on his chest when you finished, realizing how close he had stepped so you could adequately tie it. "All set." You said quietly before clearing your throat and taking a step back.


Neither of you were able to say anything as Garcia bustled over to give you two earpieces, and give Spencer a pair of glasses with a camera in them. "Don't think I forgot about you, Y/N, you get a necklace camera." She pulled out a big black stone pendant on a silver chain. You couldn't even tell where the camera was.

"Penelope this is great!" You squealed, putting it on. "I feel so badass."

Hotch called you and Reid into the hub room to brief you guys. "Remember, lovey-dovey, over-the-top, head over heels kind of couple, alright?"

"It's the couple's affection for each other that triggers the killer. So be as disgustingly cute and romantic as possible." Rossi added, sending a wink your way.

"So what are our names?" You ignored his gesture.

"Since you all won't be going too deep undercover, and a few guests at this party already know Reid, you'll be Mr. Spencer Reid and Mrs. Y/N Reid. Keeping it simple."

You gulped at the words that just left his mouth. Sure, you'd caught yourself daydreaming about marrying Spencer one day but now you had to pretend to do it. For your job. Absolutely insane.

Morgan popped his head in. "Party started three minutes ago, they should head down to the ballroom."

Spencer threw on his suit jacket and you stepped into your heels, holding onto him for support. You both were about to head out when Emily stopped you. "One more thing, your wedding rings."

"Of course." You grimaced as she handed you his wedding band and him your diamond ring.

Your heart skipped a beat as he slipped the ring onto your finger, not once breaking eye contact. "Here you go, Mrs. Reid."

You put his gold wedding band on his hand. "Thank you, Mr. Reid."

The team waves you out of the door, and you enter the elevator nervously with Spencer. Your fingers were tapping against your handbag nervously as you tried to look anywhere but him. The elevator dinged as it passed floors, and your anxiety grew.

"Nervous, Y/N?" He asked, looking over to you with concern.

"Just a little." You admitted sheepishly.

To your surprise, he took your hand in his, lacing your flitting fingers through his. "Don't be, dear."

At this, the elevator stopped and the doors opened to the grandiose ballroom.

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