stalker pt 2

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Ouch was the first thought you had as you woke up.

Where the hell am I? was the second.

And oh shit, its the stalker, isn't it? was your third.

"Are you kidding me right now?" You yelled into wherever you were being kept.

You could feel the floor was hard, and cold seeped through your clothes. Your hands were tied with some sort of rope, and a silken blindfold was over your eyes. The team had determined her being ruthless to anyone in her way, a comfortable blindfold wasn't right. "That... doesn't fit the profile." You mused to yourself, feeling at the smooth fabric.

"It's one of Spency's ties. I got it from his locker." A female voice giggled from in front of you, and you instinctively went to rip your blindfold off.

A sudden striking pain across your hand stopped you, and you seethed in pain. "You got into the FBI building?"

"Of course! I work there, don't you recognize my voice?"

"No, I'm sorry, I don't." Your hand ached, and when the fingers of your other hand grazed the wound, you hissed. A whip of sorts, maybe?

Her sickly sweet voice turned stern. "And that's why you don't belong with Spency, your awful whore memory could never keep up with his eidetic memory! I, on the other hand, remember every single interaction we've ever had. Ever."

"Okay, you have a better memory than me. Please, tell me where I should know you from, maybe I'll remember."

"Oh I'm not that easy, slut."

This time you heard the whip crack, and it whizzed just by your ear. You held back your whimpering as you heard her heels click across the ground towards you. She walked past you, and you could hear her humming pleasantly to herself as she did something. Her heels clicked towards you again, and stopped just in front of you.

BAU -3rd person POV

Y/N had been missing for exactly seven hours and thirty-two minutes, and yes, Spencer definitely was counting. "Stupid, stupid!" He hissed to himself, pulling at his hair.

"Reid, you've gotta stop doing this." Morgan sighed, holding out a cup of coffee for him. "She was doing what was best for you."

"I know! And I should've been doing the same for her." He miserably accepted the drink, slumping into his seat. "This is all my fault."

"Okay, you wanna blame yourself, Pretty Boy, go ahead. It is your fault."

"Thanks Morgan."

His friend pulled up a chair, looking at him intently. "Now, use that big brain of yours, and do what's best for her."

"You're right."

Spencer chugged down half of his coffee before turning to his computer. "If the kidnapper didn't forge an ID card, they must have already owned one, and work in the building."

"There you go, Reid! I'll tell Garcia to narrow down FBI personnel based on the profile."

As he stood up, the younger man's computer dinged with an incoming email. Attached was a video, and from the thumbnail, Spencer knew it couldn't be anything good. "Actually, can you have her track an email?"

The team sat in the briefing room with heavy hearts as they had to watch the video of Y/N being beaten, naked. The woman used a whip across every part of her exposed body. Or at least nearly every one. And Spencer noticed this. "Garcia, pause it."

"Oh thank god." The technical analyst said, looking as if she was about to puke. She didn't like watching things this gruesome, especially when it was happening to one of her best friends.

"What do you see, Reid?" Hotch asked, he hadn't noticed anything particular.

"The kidnapper is only striking in places that would be visible, to someone who uhm, yknow." He tried to phrase it as PG as possible. "It wouldn't be visible in normal everyday situations."

"So that tells us she wants to hurt Y/N in a sexual way without actually touching her sexually."

Prentiss added, "She's already called her every variation of the word slut, probably for interfering with her imagined relationship with Reid. So she's painting Y/N as the evil whore trying to take him away."

"Garcia, have you gotten anything from tracking the email?"

Penelope shook her head, typing a few things into her laptop. "No sir, whoever sent it is very good at encryption. It'll take me another couple of hours."

"Does Y/N even have that long?" Spencer asked, his voice hollow and soft as he looked down at his hands. The ones that were holding hers just before this happened.

The team looked at each other before Prentiss took it upon herself to answer. "If our profile is right, she'll want to drag this out for as long as possible. Y/N's smart, she knows we're looking for her and will keep it going."

"That worries me too."

Everyone was unsure of what to say as he leaned over to play the video again. They left him alone to listen to her pleads for Spencer Reid to come and save her.

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