undercover married pt 2

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Spencer guided you into the exquisite venue, and you two seemed to draw the crowd's attention. Guys drooled over you while women whispered amongst themselves about him.

"Let's go say hello to the Kendrins and Mr. Lamore, dear." He seemed to sense your discomfort at the attention, pulling you towards a small group he apparently knew.

You gave him a thankful smile as the other partygoers went back to their own conversations. Two men and a woman noticed you two walking towards them. The younger, dark-haired man's eyes scanned Spencer's arm around your waist and the glittering ring on your hand.

"Spencer Reid!" The older man said jovially. "Is been far too long, kid! I'm sure you remember my wife, Lorraine."

"I have an eidetic memory, so of course I remember." He was about to recite the exact date they met when you squeezed his hand.

"Spence, you mind introducing me?"

"Of course! Lorraine, Dr. Kendrin, John Lamore, this is Y/N Reid."

"Hello Dr. and Mrs. Reid." The professor went to shake your 'husband's hand.

"Actually its Dr. and Dr. Reid, I have four PhDs and she has an MD." Spence explained without missing a beat. "Y/N, Dr. Kendrin is one of my old professors from college, and John was in his Physics class with me."

You shook everyone's hands. "A pleasure to meet you all."

When Lamore shook your hand, his touch lingered a moment too long. "When I first met Spencer Reid, he was this scrawny little 13 year old boy." He laughed, malicious undertones to his words present. "Never in a million years would I have imagined him growing to find a beautiful wife like you."

"Was that a compliment or an insult, John?" Reid didn't laugh along.

Lorraine broke the tension, turning to conversation to you. "How did you meet, anyway?"

You had to stop your eyes from widening, you two didn't even discuss your back story. Thankfully, Spencer saved the day. "We met what, four years ago? It was her first day in the BAU, and you'd think that on anybody's first day at the FBI, they'd be super nervous, but not Y/N. She exuded this confidence that first drew me in. She walked right up to our boss's office while he was meeting with his boss and demanded we look into this case she had brought with her. Just, her incredible drive to help people astounded me."

"You're forgetting something, Spence." You smirked.


"We met six years ago, while I was still at the academy. You came into one of my classes and gave a lecture. I thought you were cutest thing in your little sweatervest. In all honesty, I was going to ask you out for some coffee afterwards, but you got whisked away on a case."

"So you're saying the love of my life was in front of me six year ago and I didn't realize it?"

"Wow." Dr. Kendrin's wife breathed out, wrapped up in yours and Spencer's story.

You could only look at Spencer in awe while he continued on passionately. "Unfortunately, I didn't truly realize I loved her until I nearly lost her a year ago. Kidnapping and attempted murder, that whole deal. Thankfully she recovered and I determined that I'd never spend another day not telling her about how I felt."

Everyone was quiet while you pulled his face down to yours to kiss him on the cheek. Your lips were about to touch when John Lamore's doubtful voice ruined the moment. "So you went from coworkers to married in a year?"

You decided to answer the romantic question this time, leaning into Spencer's side. "Our friends and family thought we were rushing too, but true love stops for none. I'm just happy to have the man I love the most by my side."

While the man scoffed, Reid smiled down at you. He fell into an easy conversation with his old professor while you let your eyes analyze the crowd for a possible unsub. A bartender caught your suspicions, and you excused yourself. "Honey, I think I'm going to go get myself a drink, do you want anything?"

"You know what I like." He pulled you in closer to kiss your forehead before letting you go.

You were still smiling to yourself as you ordered yourself a water and Spencer a black coffee with a bunch of sugar. The bartender gave you a weird look before going to the kitchen, assumably to ask them to make the coffee. Someone leaned against the counter next to you, and you turned, expecting it to be Spencer. Your smile faltered as you saw that it was actually John.

"Still hard to believe Kid Genius got a fine lady such as yourself." He didn't bother trying to hide the fact that his eyes looked you up and down like a piece of meat.

"Yep!" You said cheerily, twirling the ring on your finger. "I'm all his! I couldn't imagine loving anyone other than him."


"Yeah, Spence says soulmates are statistically impossible, but whenever I look at him, all I can think is how much we're meant to be."

The bartender came back at that moment with your drinks. You thanked him, and gave a cordial nod to John before walking back over to Spencer. Handing him his coffee, you asked to speak to him privately.

"Any luck with the bartender?" Spencer asked.

You shook your head. "No, but John is definitely... something. Even if he isn't our killer, he is definitely going to commit sexual assault in his lifetime." A shiver went through your spine at the thought.

"Y/N, what happened when he went over there?" Reid asked with concern.

"He looked at me like I was a piece of meat put here for his enjoyment. He's a disgusting, self-entitled, egotistical, alpha-male. What's new in the world?" You sighed, only making your friend angry.

"Have you been treated like that your whole life?"

As Spencer reached for his gun, you put your hand on his. "Spence, don't." He relaxed, grasping your hand with his. "Its true that I've dealt with men like him before, but you don't need to go shoot him right now. Let's do some more profiling and catch a serial killer, okay?"

"Okay." He kissed your hand and murmured, "I'd treat you right."

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